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Trend Micro Uninstall Tool Download (Removal Utility)

Trend Micro antivirus is a trusted brand in computer security for both individuals and business establishments. However, when users try to uninstall Trend Micro antivirus they find that all the free uninstaller utility bundled with Windows or Mac fail to perform up to their expectations. This is a serious issue as installing any new antivirus product unless the old one is completely removed is not recommended. Knowing this Trend Micro has released some tools that can help you to uninstall manually almost all Trend Micro applications.

There are two removal tools provided by Trend Micro. One is Trend Micro Diagnostic Tool Kit and the other is Trend Micro Uninstaller Tool. Both of these tools can help in the complete removal of Trend Micro products from your computer, whether it’s Internet Security, Titanium antivirus or Office suite. These tools are able to uninstall Trend Micro applications even if they are protected by uninstall password. In short, they will help you in achieving the endpoint of uninstalling your Trend Micro AV.

Download Trend Micro Removal Tool

You can easily download both Trend Micro tools for free from their download links shared below.

How to use Trend Micro Uninstaller tool

Using the above uninstall tool is really simple. Run the tool “.exe” file, choose the application you want to uninstall and then click on the uninstall button. If the application is grayed-out, then this tool will be unable to uninstall the program.

For the Trend Micro Diagnostic Toolkit, follow the process given below:

  1. Download the trend-micro uninstaller utility from the above given links in the download section.
  2. Run the Trend Micro uninstall tool by double clicking its .exe file. Click on ‘Uninstall’ tab.uninstall tab
  3. Click on the ‘Uninstall Software’ button.uninstall software
  4. Click “Yes” to start the uninstallation.click yes uninstall
  5. Click ‘Yes’ to restart your computer and complete the uninstall process.
  6. That’s it, the trend micro antivirus should be installed after running this tool.

Why use Trend Micro Uninstaller tool?

Most users prefer using the default Add Remove Programs available in Windows 10, but this type of uninstall process only removes files from the install folder of that program and some files from its system folder. Many files in the system folder remain unchanged, which can create conflicts in the future.

For a more thorough uninstall, some users prefer the command line process, where they try to uninstall Trend Micro AV by using ‘msiexec.exe’ file. In this removal process, not all the entries of the software are removed and some registry entries remain.

Furthermore, in both these processes you can’t uninstall Trend Micro AV which is password protected. Without a password you will get an invalid password error or the uninstall process will simply fail to complete. Therefore, the only way out is a highly complicated process to bypass the default password and uninstall using the Trend Micro AV Management Console. For this process, you will have to create a script with a password bypass option, which will ignore the password protection.

As you can see all the simple methods of uninstallation give unsatisfactory results and the method that works is highly complicated. Therefore, using Trend Micro removal tools is the best way forward as they are easy to operate and deliver desired results.

Proper uninstallation matters

Some may argue that improper uninstallation is not a big issue. This is completely wrong as the left-over files or registry entries of Trend Micro AV can cause conflicts with the files or settings of the antivirus which you will install later. These conflicts can cause fatal errors in the working of your computer.

Errors that can occur due to improper uninstallation of Trend Micro AV can have wide ranging effects. It can lead to the freezing of computer applications, you may think your applications are not working, but in reality, your computer would have slowed down. Internet connectivity can also get adversely affected and installing other programs can cause errors.

Difference between Diagnostic tool and Uninstall Tool

As the name suggests, the Trend Micro Uninstaller Tool is specifically designed for uninstalling Trend Micro programs and can’t be used for anything else. However, the Trend Micro Diagnostic Tool can be used for other purposes like debugging a Trend Micro application, it also allows you to monitor threats and to create an exception list.

It doesn’t matter which tool you will use for removing Trend Micro AV you can be assured that all the files and entries created by the Trend Micro AV will be completely deleted during the uninstall process.

You will be surprised to know that every application that you uninstall by using default uninstallers of your operating system tends to leave some of its traces on your computer, which may cause problems in the future. For most applications this is not a big problem, but for some programs, like antivirus programs, it can be a major issue. Therefore, for Trend Micro Antivirus you must use Trend Micro Uninstaller Tool kit for its complete removal from your computer.

Click on the following link to go to Trend Micro’s official website and learn how to uninstall Trend Micro antivirus using Trend Micro Remnant file remover Tool.

If you are still having any problems while uninstalling the trendmicro then see this solution in Dell’s community that will help you for sure.

Trend Micro download

14 thoughts on “Trend Micro Uninstall Tool Download (Removal Utility)”

  1. I have noted that some times you can just run the uninstaller again and it will complete successfully. This happened to me with TrendMicro 2012. Thanks,

  2. Kaarina Haakana

    Haluan poistaa koneeltani Trend Micro Internet security,mutta en pysty sitä tekemään myöskään manuaalisesti,koska sitä ei löydy ohjauspaneelsitani.Mistä apua?

  3. i have a problem in my pc that imaGE.EXE ,IMAGE001.EXE, IMAGE002.EXE, IMAGE003.EXE ,EIMAGE.EXE



    1. Sure, we will help you with that.
      Follow the following reputed tool which are free to use and able to detect them and remove them.

      Advanced Steps:
      1. Download & Run a scan with an anti-adware (Adwcleaner). Click here to download “Adwcleaner.exe“.
      2. Download & Run an Anti-malware scan (Malwarebyes) scan. Click here to download: Malwarebytes.
      3. Download & Run Hitman-Pro Anti-malware. Click here to download Hitman Pro – 32bits | Hitman Pro – 64 bit.
      Please let us know if doesn’t solve your issue. We would be happy to assist you further.


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