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How to Remove Web.Winstat.us Virus (Popup Removal Help)


I want stop  Web.Winstat.us popup virus from my computer, Please guide me How to Remove Web.Winstat.us virus from windows 7.

Solved Answer.

Web.Winstat.us is an Adware program which displays sponsored advertisement on your computer screen.  To get rid of Web.Winstat.us popup from your computer, we are giving you a detailed instruction to delete advertisement virus.

Web.Winstat.us is an advertising platform and a malicious program. It is used to promote advertisements and sponsored links through your browser screen. This unwanted program comes into computers bundled with various free software packages that you can get from internet.  This program wants to increase web traffic on their websites. It is able to work with all popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Once Web.Winstat.us is installed into your computer, the Web.Winstat.us will display pop-up ads and sponsored links when you are browsing the internet or visit other websites. If you click on these advertisements and sponsored links, it redirects you to some unknown websites. You will be also found your computer and internet speed become slowly than usual. Many other adware’s are also comes with this Web.Winstat.us like ZeroAccess Pihar /Sirefef rootkit , Tracur, adware or a potentially unwanted program. It will show coupons and other deals available on different websites. It can work with all popular operating systems like windows xp, vista, 7 and windows 8.

Web.Winstat.us enters into your computer via free software packages without your permission. So you should pay attention when you download a free software packages from internet. Be very careful what you agree to install. You should not download from any 3rd party website.

In fact, Web.Winstat.us is technically not a virus or malware at all. However it’s categorized as a “PUP” (Potentially Unwanted programs). Because anyone never wants to install Web.Winstat.us directly, usually it installs additionally with another software packages. It may brings lots of other malicious traits, such as rootkit capabilities to hook deep into the operating system, browser hijacking.

To secure your web browser, you should take a quick action to uninstall Web.Winstat.us from your computer. In order to remove this Web.Winstat.us, you have to follow some article mentioned steps very carefully.

Web.Winstat.us Removal Instructions

Step 1 : To Uninstall Web.Winstat.us from computer

  • Click on Start button and then click on Control Panel.
  • Now click on Programs –> Program and Features –> Uninstall a program (Wind7, 8, Vista).
Uninstall a program image 1
Uninstall a program for Vista, 7, 8


  • For Windows XP users click on Add/Remove Programs.
Uninstall a program image 2
Uninstall a program for Windows xp
  • You will get a window which have listed all the installed programs.
  • Uninstall the programs, if you find any, from below list (Suspicious Programs list). Because all these programs are unwanted. You should uninstall all them immediately.
Uninstall all unwanted programs
Uninstall all unwanted programs


Suspicious Programs list

  • Web.Winstat.us
  • Browser defender
  • Browser protect
  • Browser protected by conduit
  • Delta search, Babylon
  • LessTabs
  • WebCake 3.0
  • Yealt
  • LyricsContainer
  • VideoSaver
  • AddLyrics
  • privacy safe gaurd
  • unfriend checker
  • Price peep today
  • Coupon amazine
  • TidyNetwork.com
  • DownloadTerms 1.0
  • Yontoo
  • Uninstall all the unwanted programs, which are not listed here.

Automatic Fixit

Download Adware Remover Tool v3.6 to remove Web.Winstat.us Automatically from all of you browsers, This is a Freeware utility specially deigned for Adware Removal. This tool can remove adware from Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla Firefox and their registry as well..




Step 2 : To Remove Web.Winstat.us from Internet Explorer

Reset Internet Explorer

  • Open Internet Explorer. Click on Tools menu (If tools menu doesn’t appear then press “F10” key once to active the menu bar), click on Internet Option. A internet option window will open.
  • For IE9, IE10 users may click on Gear icon IE Gear Icon. Then click on tools.
  • Click on Advanced tab, then click on RESET button.
  • Now you will get a new popup for confirmation, tick mark on Delete personal setting then click on RESET button on that. (As shown on below screenshot)

Internet Explorer Reset2

  • Now you will appear a popup says that complete all the tasks. After completion click on close button.

Step 3 : To Remove Web.Winstat.us from Mozilla Firefox

Reset Mozilla Firefox

  • Open “Troubleshooting information” page into Firefox.
  • Open Firefox and then go the Help menu (Press “alt” key once to active Menu bar)
  • Note: you can also open this page in this ways, open Firefox then type this command in the address bar “about:support” (without quote) and then hit enter or OK.
  • Go to Help menu then click on “Troubleshooting information”
  • You will get a page “Troubleshooting information”, here you will get “Reset Firefox” option in the right side of the page.
  • Click on Reset Firefox option, It will take time to reset

Firefox Reset1

Firefox Reset2


Step 4 : To Remove Web.Winstat.us from Google Chrome

Remove unwanted homepage & search engine from Google Chrome

  • Start Google Chrome, click on options iconGoogle Chrome Options Icon (Located in very top right side of the browser), click on Settings. You will get a configuration page.
  • Under configuration page find a option named as “Open a specific page or set of pages” click on their Set Pages. A another window will come up. Here you will appear the bunch of URL’s under “Set pages”. Delete all them and then enter only one which you want to use as your home page.
Google Chrome Homepage step1
Google Chrome Homepage Reset step1
Google Chrome Homepage2
Google Chrome Homepage reset step 2
  • In the same configuration page click on Manage search engines button. Delete all the search engines from there, just keep only www.goole.com as your default search Engine.
Google Chrome Homepage3
Google Chrome search engine step 3
Google Chrome Homepage4
Google Chrome search engine step 4
Google Chrome Homepage5
Google Chrome search engine Step5

Remove unwanted extensions from Google Chrome

  • Start Google Chrome, click on options iconGoogle Chrome Options Icon (Located in very top right side of the browser), then click on Tools then, click on Extensions. (As shown on below screenshot)

Google Chrome remove extensions1

  • You will get a configuration page. which have installed all the extensions, Remove Web.Winstat.us extension & also remove all the unwanted extensions from there. To remove them, click on remove (recycle bin) icon Google Chrome remove extensions button(as shown on screenshot)

Google Chrome remove extensions2

Reset Google Chrome

  • Close all Google Chrome browser
  • Now open this following path
    • Press “window key + R” (Flag sign key + R) , then you will get Run box.
    • Copy and Paste this following command in this Run box then hit Enter or OK
    • Windows XP
      %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
    • Windows 7, 8, Vista
      %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
  • In the default folder please find a file named as “Preferences“ and now just need to rename this file from “Preferences“ to “Preferences.old“
  • In the same default folder please find a one more file named as “Web Data“ and now just need to rename this file from “Web Data“ to “Web Data.old
  • Now Start your Google chrome.

Step 5 : To remove Web.Winstat.us registry entries with Adwcleaner.exe

Here is the proper step-by-step guide to remove any adware from registry, please follow the steps.

5.1 : Download AdwCleaner from the below link.

Click Here to Download: Adwcleaner.exe

5.2 : Run that downloaded file (Adwcleaner.exe).

5.3 : When you get it started, click on scan button to search the Web.Winstat.us files and registry entries (As shown below screenshot).


5.5 : When scanning process will be finished, click on Clean button to delete all the Web.Winstat.us files and registry entries (as shown on below screenshot)


Step 6 : To remove Web.Winstat.us with Hitman-Pro

Click here to Download Hitmanpro_x32bit.exe

Click here to Download Hitmanpro_x64bit.exe



Step 7 : To remove Web.Winstat.us with Malwarebytes.

7.1 : Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free, then double click on it to install it.

Click Here to Download Malwarebytes.exe

How to use malwarebytes

How to use malwarebytes

7.2 : Update online Virus Definition

How to use malwarebytesHow to use malwarebytes

7.3 : Tick mark on “Perform quick scan” then click on Scan

7.4 : When the scan done click on “Show results”How to use malwarebytes

7.5 : After clicking on Show result it will you a another window where you will get the found threats. Click on “Remove Selected”

How to use malwarebytes

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