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Print Spooler Repair Tool Download (2.25 MB) Read More

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    1,471 thoughts on “Print Spooler Repair Tool Feedback”

      1. Win7 print spooler freezes after printing unable to print again. Spooler shows status printing. any idea’s?

          1. It depends on nature of conflicting. If faulty file realted with a 3rd party application, so you have to uninstall that application and then re-install. If faulty file realted with the system files then you have to repair your windows.

      2. Works a treat, but unfortunately each time I reboot the computer the printer spool message comes back. All printer drivers have been removed. Any ideas? Cheers.

        1. You can set your printer spooler service Anatomically in startup. You have to do this step manually, maybe the has skipped this step somehow.

          1. Rechecked and sadly the spooler service is set to automatic start up. Trying to start manually comes up with same fault. After running your fix it runs and prints fine, but the print spooler fault returns every time the machine is restarted.

            1. Please find out some more things for diagnose the problem:

              1. After run our tool how many prints you can print? Do one thing run our tool and wait for 1-2 hours or more, then try to print out and check are you able to print or have the same issue.
              2. You have to check other two more services which must be set as automatically at startup. Services names are: “Dcom Servicer Process Launcher”, “Remote Procedure Call (RPC)”
              3. It may be possibility that one of .dll file (of system OR of drivers) are making this conflicting with your print spooler service. Do one thing, as soon as after stopped your print spooler service check your “Event Viewer” (“Event viewer” –>> “windows logs” –>> “applications”) and then check for the latest errors related print spooler. Even it will show you all the .dll file name as well. You can share that information with us for any suggestion. Thanks

      3. My Print Spooler still wont start after I ran your fix. I am running Windows 8.1 – still gives an error of “not enough resources available to complete this operation” – please help!

        1. Sorry for the inconvenience, we are still working on this windows 10 issue, it may take time!!

        2. I haven’t been able to print anything either since Windows 10. So frustrated. I tried 2 different printers and neither one works with 10.

          1. Any printer can’t work until the print spooler service in start stage. Now please let us know the error message while trying to start the print spooler service then we can help you further. (To start print spooler service – Go to service.msc page and try to start the printer spooler service manually)

      4. first time, it works fine, just 1 day
        the day after it still problem, ” windows can not conect to the printer … ”
        and your App can’t work any more

        so sad, may i resetup windows ?

      5. the program finished to run successfully , however my printer still can’t print. Usually the problem starts when I try to print PDF. Now, after I ran the app I tried to print from Word. Still no success. It’s HP officejet 4500 working with windows 7 PC

        1. Could you please explain more detail about this print spooler issue? so that we can help you accordingly.

      6. The program worked like a treat for me. Just a couple of minor niggles.
        1. When the program finished running it was not clear what to do next, but eventually I said to myself “I wonder if it’s worked? Maybe if I try printing again?…”, and hey bingo!
        2. I had great trouble working out how to leave a feed back. Maybe this is the way to do it who knows. The headline banner “Print Spooler Repair Kit Feedback etc” does not have a link to a feedback page.
        Otherwise, GREAT.

        1. Thank you so much for contacting us about this matter, we’ll solve out all these issues in our next version. Thanks

        1. It works on windows 10 as well. Please explain your exact problem then we can give you exact steps.

      7. I have try to download my printer yet, but if it works I will post my comments and also make a donation.

        1. Run our tool in “safemode”, it will re-create the spooler service as well.
          Please let us know the result.

        1. Our tool works on windows 10, don’t why it did not work. Could your please explain your exact issue in more detail so that we can assist you with that. Please share whole error message with me if you get.

    1. I discovered during the download that I am also missing the following files that I must correct before running the spool correction:
      Missing files: C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe and

      1. @Christian, Don’t worry, our tool will manage all the things which is missing or corrupted with print spooler. Our tool will repair all print spooler service completely.

        1. hi
          i was recently try this tool but problem not solved actuly before few day my desktop having startup problem so i can use system restore system is restore done..but printer is unable to response print command ..drivers is updated..hp laserjet 1020 win 7 proff 32 bit…please help


          1. check your print spooler service status, is it started or stopped?. Go to services page through services.msc command and check the “print Spooler” service, if you got it stopped then try to start it and let us know if you get any error message.

    2. I have spent days on end downloading different programs and searching different instructions to help fix this problem, I wish I came across this first ! Amazing ! Windows XP

    3. So amazing. Had been fighting with my printer and googling all night! Came across this and solved my problem just in time!

    4. Failed. The spooler is apparently fixed but my printer still won’t install. Here is the message I got: The specified print monitor is unknown.

      Any Ideas?

    5. Fixed it quick! thank you so much for this, i really had no idea that the spooler would need to be rest or let alone what the spooler was until i googled it and this was the first link i clicked on.

    6. Don’t think it worked! I did a clean boot on a HP pavilion (HPE-180t CTO) desktop with win8.1.
      When done I checked in services.msc and saw the spooler was active. I tried to install a PDF printer and it gave a message the spooler was not running. it wasn’t so I clicked start and executed the printer install again.
      it executed but seems to frozen without any error message

      1. @ Tyrone, Run our tool in safemode and then bootup your computer in normal mode and then install the printer.

    7. Tried program again but this time in normal bootup, but I’m still getting the “Spoolsv is not running” message

      1. @Tyrone, Which one operating system are you using? And what is the exact error message? Did you get any error message while running our tool?

    8. I clicked on the link and it went through the repair process. It told me it was repaired. I tried to print to the printer and it said it was printing but it didn’t – says printer error and 1 document in queue

    9. Awesome Spent hours trying to fix the problem and this program fixed it in 30 seconds. Thank You Very Much!!

    10. Failed. Did the install, printed a document, printed an additional document but only after manually restarting the service, would not print a third document even after manually restarting the service. No error messages. Printer icon indicates 1 document pending. Windows 7 X64.

      1. It works perfectly on windows 7 as well. Please explain your problem here, we’ll help you to fix it up.

    11. Worked perfectly on a Multipoint server 2012. I usually manually fix this common issue. This saved me a ton of time and frustration trying to remember the fix process. Thanks!

    12. Treid coding the Services Manager, but always missed SOMETHING! You guys went straight to the problem and I’m flying again! Thanks!

      1. Can you please explain me? what is the error message you get? and your exact problem which you are facing? We’ll help to fix it.

    13. It’s working, but print spooler stopped running again after each PC restart, is there any solution to this?

    14. your app did not solve my print spool errors at all. thank you and have a nice day!

    15. Repairing printer spooler is ok, but after restarting windows spooler fails to start, and when i try to start in services, it fails to start because dependencies didn’t start. my windows is win 7 home prm x64. Please advice, thanks, chris.

    16. Really big thank you. This worked for me! I was wondering how I was going to solve my printers problem and this has sorted it in two minutes!!

    17. Thanks a great tool,It solved my problem.Carry on to develop such type of tools.I am lucky to find out this tool.

    18. Did not work for my laptop. I have windows 8.1, and after an automatic update my printer stopped working.

    19. Hi, I run the program. It worked perfect in the first moment, but it crushed again in a few of minutes. Run the program again… with the same results. There is another problem left unsolved! Thanks

    20. I am so rarely pleased with online fixes. Your tool, however, was simple, effective, and quick. I am happy and grateful. Thank you.

    21. I used the tool but the print spooler still did not resolve my problem.

      As soon as I shut down and reboot my machine and try to print there are no printers recognised. I then have to run the tool and the spooler is loaded and the printer is available. However when I reboot I’m back to square one, I am running Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit.

    22. This tool did not fix the “Active Directory Domain Service is unavailable” error on my computer. Operating system Windows 7 Professional, computer HP G71-340US notebook, Brother MFC-7860DW printer.

    23. It worked immediately. I will return to your website to see what other help you may be offering.

    24. It worked immediately. I will return to your website for any other help you may ofer. Thanks

    25. Great! It worked immediately. I will return to your website to see what other help you may offer.

    26. Thank You and Thank You again.
      I struggled with tis issue for many ours. You solved it wthin a minute.
      much appreciated,

    27. Win 8.1 working on this problem for 2 days, found your repair tool and problem was fixed in less than 2 minutes. Thank-you

    28. This really worked. Thank you so much! I tried so many programs, and nothing did it. You have the best program to solve these issues. Thanks again!

    29. Your Print Spooler tool does not work for me even though it presents a popup that say it is fixed. After running your tool(several attempts) I have tried to add a printer and get the message the print spooler is not running. If I manage services and manually start the print spooler it still does not add a printer and I get the message “Windows can’t open add printer. Operation could not be completed (error 0x000006be)”

      1. Please write the whole error message here what you get while printing then we can help you.

    30. It fixed my problem immediately, and the tool didn’t take long at all! Thanks for developing this tool! Very user friendly and very effective!

    31. Prateek Upadhyay

      Very Very Thanks for this tool…………So working nice………..awesome… Once again thanxx all the Team… with Respect

    32. it solves the problem but not permanently…this problem occurs again and again….pls help me

    33. Thank you, I was getting very frustrated and then I found your program. It worked like a charm.

    34. Melissa Woollums

      it says it finished & completed successfully but it didn’t fix the problem! Still cant print & getting the same message error still!!

    35. Thank you! After running this the list of printers was restored and I was able to print. I noticed that after I ran IOLO System Mechanic the problem started. This has now happened twice. Will be removing that from my computer and look for other computer maintenance tools.

    36. What a great service!!!!! I have been working on this for hours, trying to get a paper for school to print.

      IT WORKED! Thank you!!!!

    37. MaryLou Bohenek

      Thank you for your help in solving my problem. I spent all day yesterday to no avail until I found your web site.
      Again, thank you!

    38. Windows 7 – all up to date. Services, print spooler, then I right clic, and start. That works, but automatic start doesn’t work anymore. Your program, didn’t work for me, but thanks!

    39. Windows 7 – all up to date. Services, print spooler, then I right clic, and start. That works, but automatic start doesn’t work anymore. Your program, didn’t work for me, but thanks!

    40. I am SO excited that I found this solution on Google. The fastest and most amazing thing I’ve ever used to fix any computer issue! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    41. this is great…iv’e been 1 years using this software.
      it worked on my win xp 🙂 (Y) great!

    42. Did not fix the problem. Windows 8.1
      Printer spool error was 0x800706b9 not enough recourses available to complete this operations

    43. The printer is still not working for my Windows Vista Computer.
      urrrrgh! please can someone help???

    44. After one year solved. I’m trying a lot to solve my printer problem, and now it’s done. FANTASTIC.

    45. Working fine for Windows 7 64 Bit. Thanks.

      Please choose Run as Administrator to run the application.

      1. This tool repair worked great for my 8.1 and I couldn’t any happier. Thanks Techsupportall.com

    46. I`ve run this programme three times in the last 24hrs on WIN7 64bit and it works very well…until my computer is switched off and then restarted. I then suddenly find I`m back to spooler error 1068. Fortunately I pinned the programme to the task bar and so it`s no great effort run it again. And that`s just as well because nothing seems to work……….Good programme!!!

    47. i was struggling like weeks to fix my printer issue. was stuck my old laptop to print documents needed. then find this repair tool. first i was nervous but i scanned it. Finally fixed my issue.
      Really appreciated to who spent time to do that programme and serving for free…

    48. Impressive Tool, fixed a problem that we haven’t been able to diagnose. So we have a fix but don’t know why!

    49. it did not work, it still comes back with could not start, not enough resources. Windows 8.1 Asus 550e laptop

      Kind regards,

    50. Lawrence Stone

      The print spooler repair tool works but the repairs are gone after rebooting the computer. In other words, I have to rerun the tool after each reboot to have my print spooler. My system is a 32bit Windows 7 Home Premium.

    51. Thank you so much. I’ve been working on this for days. Almost threw my printer out the window. I donated, you’re sooo worth it.!

    52. This is fantastic. I was calling the Lexmark phone numbers I found on the Internet and all I got people trying to sell me anti-malware software. But it did nothing for the problem with my print spool. This tool is absolutely fantastic. I recommend it to anybody.

    53. I read on here about the person who had error messages “print spooler not working and RPC server not available. He mentioned that it seem to happen after he ran a registery cleaner and EUREKA it dawned on me that was my problem too. I’m using XP 32 and could not install my new printer. Researched for days until I found this site. Thank Heaven! It fixed it. Thank you so much. I donated, very worth it.

    54. It doesn’t work. I use Win 7 64 bit and the spooler is still missing

      Seems that I need to find other solution….

    55. It worked great on my old XP desktop. wish I found you folks sooner, this was perfect.. Thanks for your help.

    56. This did unfortunately NOT fix the problem,, Windows 7 pro, 64bit,,, have to check more around to get this fixed. Sorry

    57. Printer not spooling; tried print spooler repair but didn’t work. Printer is trying to spool.

    58. it saved my sanity! I kept googling to find answers and then I found this tool I am so happy. Thank You

    59. Successfully cleared spooler, but when I tried to print another document, the same problem happened again. Document in spooler but won’t print.

    60. Didnt fix the problem, Spooling still stops and restarts, never finishes.
      Please help or advise

    61. Works wonderfully well and quick with Windows 8.1
      Nevertheless, problem (not being able to delete print order in queu which blocks all following print orders) keeps re-occurring. But, for the time being, this solution is great!

    62. It worked perfectly! Thank you so much for this tool. I would recommend to anyone who is having the same problem!

    63. Working perfectly on Windows XP, but the problem remains after reboot – need to run the tool each time I want to print something.

    64. my spooler quit working after HP tech support got in my computer on a printer question. They only wanted to sell me service. After using your fix, it is back on. I will try to print something and if it works, I will donate with pleasure. Thanks

    65. Hi – I’m running Windows 7 and it didn’t work for me. I was hopeful. I’ve tried everything. I can print wirelessly by emailing my document to an email HP assigned to my wireless printer, but cannot print directly It started by getting an error from HP that it couldn’t install my printer – “installation failed.” When I hit diagnose it says, “Please Start the Print Spooler Service located…. and then try again.” I followed this advise and made sure Spooler was in the Services Control Panel. No good, didn’t work. I then found a site that said to be sure drivers are removed from windows/system32/spooler/drivers, that didn’t work. I also found a site that said make sure Printers are removed from the same folder, system32/spooler/printers, but it was already empty. I then found and ran HP’s “Scan and Print Repair” utility and it located my wireless printer, then said “Software not installed, do you want to install it?” which I did, then the same error, “installation failed.” Then I found your advise here and was hopeful, but same error. If you have any other advise I’d appreciate it. Something else must be wrong.

    66. Using Windows XP SP3 and a HP Deskjet F4180…..problem remains. Message: Spooler Subsystem App needs to close down.

    67. Fail 🙁
      I try to set up google cloud printer service on Windows 7 x64.
      I run program, input username and pass but when I press “Register”, message “Dependensy service failed to start” show again

    68. This is FANTASTIC! I’ve been messing with this for 3 days and this tool fixed it in 2 minutes.

    69. The download fix worked as you stated. I will test it out for a few days by restarting the computer. If all works as expected I will donate to your support efforts. This has been a problem every since I used Windows “Easy Transfer”. Thank you for your expertise!!

      1. The repair tool works for a couple days and then when the computer is turned on it cannot connect all network drives. This means it does not find the printers memory card. After that occurs nothing will print, but just stays waits to be printer. The Win-7 troubleshooter says the printer is off, but it is on and not in sleep mode. Not sure what to try next.

    70. Many thanks for your program print spools repair. it funger fine print (Google translate, from Danish)

    71. Didn’t work – Windows 8.1- “Loading Preview…” message shows up then the whole windows goes away.

    72. Auto Fixit tool works BUT if I shut my computer the problem re-occurs and I have to run the tool again – any suggestions ( I ran anti-malaware program which was clean). Thank you

    73. use to work really well… but of late ., its not been helpfull at all..!
      currently working not working on windows 7

    74. Hey it is not work properly. it gives again error. it says ” the memory could not be read ”
      How to solve this problem ?
      Please give me solution fast………

    75. The tool didn’t work. When I print it says no printers installed. When I check the printer it still says printer spooler service not running & I turn it on, no change. My system is windows 8.1 in a HP Pavilion.

    76. It does not work on win 8.1. It’s been a week of trying and trying…I cannot add a printer…The message is Always “the local print spooler service is not in execution” but under services it shows tha it is… I need a big help…

    77. I ran the tool and the problem is not solved. I can not print, I can not enlist printers.

    78. Angela Milligan

      Hope so!!!!.. my paypal is empty right now but Id love to come back and donate if it works 🙂

    79. Unfortunately, did not work. Windows 8, 32 on HP envy, first tried it on Windows 8.1, then refreshed back to Windows 8. No luck

    80. Did not work. Receive error 0x800706b9. “Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.”

    81. Working great! I tried to fix by scanning virus, manual start print spooler service …for 2 day but my PC still can’t print until i google ans used this tool. 5 start

    82. Sadly it ran, worked and then immediately lost the print spool again…did this 3 times and ran the tool and each time it fixes it for one print and then the printers are unusable after. Thanks for the help anyway…I have had it with XP these past few months – it just gets worse and worse.

    83. Didn’t work for me 🙁
      Receive error 0x800706b9. “Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.”
      Windows 8
      Canon printer

    84. Let me check it out first. Make sure the problem is solved. Then I’ll post a great comment

    85. This tool worked fine in W7/SP1+Hotfixes.
      I wanted to know the standard start option, the tool adjusted it to “automatic”. THX!

    86. So that it is understood, the error is able to be fixed manually, however all fixes are wipped out after system restart. None of the fixes are permanent. I need a permanent solution so this issue is no longer a problem like way back (late 2010 early 2011 timeframe) before it started.

      1. Please explain your problem here what is the exact problem that you are facing. We’ll surely help you if you could do that.

    87. I upgraded ZoneAlarm security, and printer no longer works. Can only print from dos prompt when spooler is disabled. Sorry to say your fix didn’t succeed.

    88. Said it was successful, however my print issue still remains. However I am using windows 8.1 and it doesn’t say anywhere i’ve seen that it works with 8.1, still worth a shot.

    89. It didn’t work on my computer I have windows 7 x64 Dell would really like to get my printer back on line please help.

    90. Bought a new printer last night (Canon PIXMA MX922) and after 12+ hours of troubleshooting, I still cannot install the “MP Drivers.”

      This download does not help me. Reboot, no reboot.

      Tried multiple “fixes.”

      Getting very, very annoyed.

      Please help.

      Windows 8, 64 bit. Samsung laptop.

      Error: “Processing cannot be continued because the Windows Print Spooler service has been stopped. Start the Print Spooler service and then try again.”

      1. Uninstall all your old and NEW printer’s driver from your computer completely ones and then run our tool once more and then you can try to install printer again, It should instal this time. Actually, most of the time print spooler service crashes due to driver conflicting, so please remove the driver conflicting first then install the printer.
        If your issue doesn’t fix after that then please let us know, we’ll help you more.

    91. Worked perfectly, but next time had to use the link again to repair printer Spooler – Then had to repeat again next time – Any ideas?

    92. No luck for me.

      Windows 10 Home, upgraded from Windows 7.

      Printing worked fine in Windows 7. The issue I’m facing now is that no printers are shown in “devices and printers”.

      So I tried to install my printer (Canon LBP7660cdn) using the latest driver I downloaded from the Canon website (Win10 compatible).
      The installer starts, and immediately returns a message “installation interrupted”.

      When I try to add a printer manually (add a printer > the printer that i wanted isn’t listed) I get the message “Windows can’t open Add Printer / The remote procedure call failed”. Or “Windows can’t open Add Printer /the local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine”.

      I forced the printer spooler to keep restarting.

      I can’t uninstall the printer drivers either, the uninstaller doesn’t find the printer …

      1. Look, If while clicking “add printer” you get this error, that means some of other .dll files (of system OR of drivers) are making this conflicting with your print spooler service. Do one thing, as soon as after stopped your print spooler service check your “Event Viewer” (“Event viewer” –>> “windows logs” –>> “applications”) and then check for the latest errors related print spooler. Even it will show you all the .dll file name as well. You can share that information with us for any suggestion. Thanks

    93. I have windows 7 machine. The tool did not work. I keep getting a message to the effect that before I print or do related task such as page set up, I must install a printer.

    94. Print spooler would not start due to resources ?!? in Windows 10. Ran tool. Same problem when done. Still will not start and cannot use any printers.

      1. Make sure the following services are running correctly.
        1. Dcom Server Process Launcher
        2. RPC Endpoint Mapper (Remote Procedure Call )

      2. Same situation here.

        Problem occured after upgrading to Windows 10. The print spooler-service fails to start. It says: system error 1721: Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.

        The Depencies run correctly. (Dcom Server Process Launcher and RPC Endpoint Mapper)

        1. It seems like there is some problem in one of windows other service. Anyway, we are giving you two methods to fix it, please try.
          1. Manual repair your printer soopler service through following this link: http://www.techsupportall.com/print-spooler-service-is-missing/
          2. If this first step doesn’t work then uninstall the driver and then reinstall it again after reboot the computer once.

          Let us know after done!!

    95. Started with Windows 7 (64 bit) which ran for years without a problem. Upgraded to Windows 10 and worked for a few weeks again without a problem. I then tried to install Apple iTunes 12.2.2. Then all printing stopped. I removed iTunes and tried to go back to iTunes 11.x and then iTunes 12.1 (which is the version that worked on Win7 and Win10). When restarting Print Spooler I got a message that there were not enough resources. One aid referred to problems with Lexmark Printers, which I removed and no change. I ran your Print Spooler Repair Tool. I tried to start the Print Spooler. Again no success. I will restart the system and see if that makes any difference


      1. Actually that was pre-mature to say that. managed to print off one page now im having the same problems all over again.

        1. If you are facing the problem again that means there must be a “.dll” exist which is making conflicting with print spooler service’s “.dll” file. Check the “event manager” to get the exact .dll name then uninstall that .dll file whole program from your computer or do appropriate action on that.

    97. I cant’ install network printer using this tool to fix
      After the tool run and finish with successful message. I still get error when hit Add a printer “Windows can’t open Add a printer. The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart spooler and restart the machine “. When I try to run services.msc and start spooler, a message with error come up 0x800106e4. I’m window 7 pro.

      Last time, when I success with this tool. The problem come back when I reset modem.

      Please help, thanks

    98. the print spooler service could not be started
      system error 1721 has occurred
      not enough resources are available to complete this operation

    99. Did not work. My printer spooler stopped working when I ran SpyHunter software to clean my system. I will now try option 2 suggestion

    100. It didn’t work still get message that Print Spooler isn’t loaded, I loaded manualy still doesn’t work
      Windows 7 64 bit

      1. Did you get any message when you start print spooler service manually from services page? If yes, so please give that error message. Please let me know the status of printer spooler service after click on start button.

    101. It didnt work on me. I think i have a serious problem with my spooler. I tried several methods to solve this issue without sucess.

      1. Yes, as of now, our tool is not working on this particular windows 10 issue. But our team is still working for its solution. We’ll update the status here. Thanks for reply on this matter.

          1. Our team is still working on windows 10 print spooler issue. Anyway, please explain the print spooler issue, we’ll help you.

    102. I checked the Printer spooler under local services after this and I’m still getting the same error message.
      “Windows could not start the Printer Spooler service on Local Computer.
      Error 0x800706b9: not enough resourced are available to complete this operaton.”

      1. We are still working on this particular issue and will get the solution very soon. We’ll let you know as soon as we get solution.

    103. No problems with Win 8.1. Since installing Win 10
      I reset print spooler/ ran printer diagnostic ,and test results indicated everything was a green light and was able to print out a test result sheet. But, the next step was to print outa one liner E-mail and the printer gave no response. I think MS should marry HP then things might happen. About ready to return to Win 8.1 !

    104. Installed and ran the program but the spooler would still not work. still saying that there are not enough resources to run the spooler. I did the manual way as well before your spooler. It would not work either. Please help.

    105. i installed the print spooler repairing tool but it still wont let me start print spooler, would the problem be that i have webroot installed on my computer

      1. No, webroot should not occurs this type of issue. Ok, please let me know the error message which got when you try to start your print spooler service manually from services page?

    106. Hello,
      I have problem with Windows. I have windows 10 .When I try start Local Print Spooler in servises.msc I get message:Windows could not start The Print Spooler Servise on Local Computer
      Error 0x800706b9.
      Can you help me?

      1. Our team is still working on this windows 10 issue (Error 0x800706b9).
        While time you can try following steps:

        Step 1. Do clean your Printers folder (in queue), remove all the files from this locations(delete only files: C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS

        Step 2. Remove “HTTPS” from printer spooler service dependencies.
        Try these steps if above steps can help you otherwise please wait for until our research done. We’ll update when it’s done.

    107. Still got this message when starting Print Spooler from services.

      Window could not start the Print Spooler service on Local Computer
      Error 0x800706b9: Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.

      I’m using Windows 8.1

    108. After the Printer Spooler Repair Tool finished running in safe mode (as directed) I get the following error:

      Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit the application will close immediately.

      This app can’t be activated by the built-in Administrator.

      This is in windows 10.

      1. Did you get this error in normal mode too?
        Please let us know your printer exact issue, we’ll help you regarding that.

    109. It happened again and executed your file. Now its not working though it say ‘successfully finished’ on it…what’s next?

      1. Successfully finished means, our tool has successfully set printer spooler service to its default settings. So, maybe there is some different issue in your print spooler. If your print spooler service stops just after you start it manually, so that means some other “.dll” file is making conflicting with print spooler service. To fix this issue follow the following article or explain us more in detail about your exact issue: http://www.techsupportall.com/print-spooler-keeps-stopping-automatically/

    110. Just upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1. When attempting to print I get:
      ERROR: Printer Start Failed Report….. The Printer Queue is Full.
      Same error with 2 different printers that worked fine in Windows 8.1. Deleted and reinstalled printer drivers and software with same ERROR message. Turned OFF Printer Spooler service and restarted. Rebooted several times. Ran your fix twice as well. I still cannot print.

      1. Print Queue folder path is: C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS. Make sure this folder is empty. Also make sure this folder permission is allow user to create and delete files & folders. Then let us know if doesn’t solve.

    111. Thank You so much! I have been trying since yesterday for hours! and it only took this simple step for my printer to work! Why couldn’t I look for this any sooner. Thanks! 😀

    112. Not sure – it cleared the print queue – I resubmitted a Word doc wth one word – “test” – it appeared in the queue, disappeared, but did not print. Thanks for the freeware, wish I knew exactly why it will not print.

      1. If your print is in the queue that means your print spooler is working correctly. Maybe there is some problem in printer connectivity or printer driver. Please check both are the possible method and then contact us again if doesn’t fix.

      1. Sure, we’ll help you but first let us know; what happens when start your print spooler service manually from services page? Do you get any error message? If your spooler service is successfully get started then go to your printer page and come back to services page again and check the printer spooler service status and tell us. Then we can help you further.

    113. Didn’t work for me. I have two computers here – one XP Pro, the other XP Media center. The new version of Zone Alarm Free removed the print spool completely. Can’t find it anywhere. I tried the tool and it says success but then I check and no spooler.

    114. Still not working (using windows 10)

      Faulting application name: spoolsv.exe, version: 10.0.10586.0, time stamp: 0x5632d4ac
      Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.10586.0, time stamp: 0x5632d1bc
      Exception code: 0xc0000002
      Fault offset: 0x000d2ed2
      Faulting process id: 0x2d68
      Faulting application start time: 0x01d133e8233a3486
      Faulting application path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\spoolsv.exe
      Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
      Report Id: b0d174b8-d329-405e-9596-d2e0a88edc3a
      Faulting package full name:
      Faulting package-relative application ID:

      1. KERNELBASE.dll is a part of system files so we can’t touch it. Actually, it is not the main cause, the main issue should be a system drivers are not compatible with windows 10 that’s why that is creating this type of problem. You can try SFC /scannow, system clean boot, also scan your computer with hitmanpro or Malwarebytes. If your problem doesn’t solve after above steps then contact us again with the complete detail; when you start this problem.


        1. I have scan using MalwareBytes and no treat have found.

          Below is output from Adplus using parameter adplus -crash -pmn spoolsv.exe -o C:\ax

          Current time:
          Debug session time: Fri Dec 11 17:52:10.126 2015 (UTC + 7:00)
          System Uptime: 0 days 7:38:40.921
          Process Uptime: 0 days 1:49:23.209
          Kernel time: 0 days 0:00:01.265
          User time: 0 days 0:00:01.843

          Call stack below —
          # ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
          00 0598ede8 753bfa1a 000006ba 00000001 00000000 KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x62 (FPO: [4,22,0])………….

          Maybe this can be useful information to solve my problem with print spooler under windows 10.



          Eddy Muljono

          1. No, this detail could not helped us. Could you please explain more detail about your print spooler issue so that we can help you accordingly.

          2. I am using Office 2013. After upgrading my windows from 7 to windows 10, this problem appears. Printer spooler crash unexpectecly.
            Even I remove all my printer and using printui /s /t2, the problem still appears, using Microsoft Print to PDF.

            Now I am using Windows 10 (witth all update applied including November Windows 10 Update).

            I open excel / word document and click Print Preview, sometime I can print, usually the first time I click Print Preview. The second and so on, the print spooler fail.

            Maybe this can help to resolve my problem.


            Eddy Muljono

            1. Please check your evetviewer for printer spooler error (Red Error) under –>> Windows Logs –>> application, and give its detail to us. When your print spooler crashed unexpectedly, at that time a an event log created so please find out that eventlogs and share this info with me. That would be more helpful us to solve this issue.

            2. I have sent the event log, at the beginning of my email:

              Faulting application name: spoolsv.exe, version: 10.0.10586.0, time stamp: 0x5632d4ac
              Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.10586.0, time stamp: 0x5632d1bc
              Exception code: 0xc0000002
              Fault offset: 0x000d2ed2
              Faulting process id: 0x750
              Faulting application start time: 0x01d13875aaf29082
              Faulting application path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\spoolsv.exe
              Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
              Report Id: 6ba15904-a8b4-486a-ba09-90e7e16aa6ae
              Faulting package full name:
              Faulting package-relative application ID:

              May this can be useful to resolve my problem.


              Eddy Muljono

            3. KERNELBASE.dll is part of windows system files, so we can’t touch this file. Actually, KERNELBASE.dll is not that main cause of this problem, main cause would be different definitely. Probably it may be related to windows driver conflicting. Anyway, I recommend you a tool ConboFix tool which will help you to repair your windows command issues – Download ConboFix tool. Also run SFC / scannow command in CMD – it will also helps you for windows issue. Please let us know after all that.

            4. I have downloaded ComboFix Tool, and is not supporting windows 10.

              I have also run SFC /Scannow

              But the error is show up again, Print Spooler crash unexpectecly.


              Eddy Muljono

    115. This tool has not worked for me.

      I’m running window 10

      the error i get is 0x800706b9 : not enough resources. but this only started happening randomly a month or so ago

            1. Are you talking about this page’s comments? If anyone replied on your comments then you can get emails of those replies.

    116. Windows 10 Home; 64-bit; message says it is fixed, but even though the print spooler is running, none of the printers are connected.

      1. Ok. Please try start your print spooler service from services page manually then let me know the result what happened.

    117. Worked for me on Windows 7, first time.

      My computer won’t boot to normal only safe mode, but I need to print some documents for tomorrow and don’t have time to do a trouble shoot/reinstall.

    118. I ran the tool twice and still get error message saying the local print spooler service is not running.

      1. Could you please share your computer operating system info with us? Did you get any error message while running our tool? Also try to start your print spooler service manually from services page and let us know if you get any error message while starting print spooler service.

    119. I used the program and still nothing. It just says an error occurred while printing. One company wants $17.00 a minute online to repair it and no promises to repair it. Anymore ideas.

    120. Firstly thanks soo much, printer finally worked.
      But, when I started pc again, same problem repeat
      have to run software again and again.
      Is there permanent solution?

    121. I’ve used the tool a couple times before and worked great, but I tried today and I get an error says “Unhandled exception has occured in your application…” On windows 7

      1. Could you please explain more about the EXACT moment when you get this error message while running our software? Actually, we need to know what text written on status bar when you get this error message? Also let us know the your problem in printing?

    122. Didn’t work for me. Ran the program twice. Windows 7 opens and I can see Print Spooler service has started and ought to be running but cannot print anything. No error or message appears.
      Service has to be stopped and re-started manually to work.

    123. I regret that the Tool has had no effect on a PC running Windows XP with SP3. The same error is still displayed when “Add Printer” is selected: “Operation could not be completed. The print spooler service is not running”.

      There is no Service shown in the list of Services with a name similar to “Print” or “Spooler”, although spoolss.dll and spoolsv.exe are both present in C:\Windows\System32

    124. unfortunately this didn’t solve my issue. The error persist and spooler keep closing. I can’t even install the printer, due to this error 🙁 [HP desktop core i3 + Win10 64 + Canon MX725]

    125. I’m using windows XP.
      I’ve using this tool to repair my printer spooler problem, but it seems doesn’t work very well.
      The error still occur sometimes, and i need to repair again.

      1. Could you please let us know the error message what you are getting while printing? Please let us know one more thing, what happens when you try to start your print spooler service manually from services.msc page? Doesn’t it give you any error message while starting the service?

    126. Great job! I have worked days trying to fix this problem! I have not rebooted my computer so I hope it works when I do. Do I need to do anything to set print spooler to automatic? I have windows 8 XP. Thanks.

    127. Until yet, it does not work.
      I use win10 and a hp officejet 4500 printer, conneted via TCP/IP.
      Each time, the installation fails on two reasons.
      – Print spooler crashes
      – Setup bei Hp (most actuall printers stops at network configuration (44 %)

      do you know this issue?


      1. Yes, it happens due to driver conflicting. To fix this, you have to uninstall all the printer drivers from your computer manually in system files and registry as well. After that install the driver again.

    128. I have tried all the suggestions but still have the problem. In Windows Logs System I get the message that the print processor returned error code:5, access denied. Do you have a fix for this? The printer is HP ENVY 5660 connected by USB cable to Dell running Vista.

      1. Did you tried our repair tool? Error code:5 means your printer spooler service & spooler files doesn’t have appropriate permission. So please run our tool and let us know.

        1. I ran the Print Spooler Tool two times without any noticeable changes. In the Windows Log the print spooler error is this:” Data type: RAW. Size of the spool file in bytes: 139781. Number of bytes printed: 0. Total number of pages in the document: 1. Number of pages printed: 0. Client computer: \\RODGER-PC. Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 5. Access is denied.” I have not found a fix for this error. Can you help?

          1. When you get this error ‘ERROR:5 access is denied,’ at the point of printing a document or during starting the print spooler service manually or while running our tool?
            Also please let us know what happens when you try to start print spooler service manually from services.msc page?

            1. The error 5 entry was documented in Computer Management\System Tools\Event Viewer\Windows Logs\System. I was able to fix the problem by following this path- Computer\OS (C)\windows\system 32\spool\ PRINTERS.
              I went to properties for this folder(PRINTERS) and in the SECURITY tab I authorized Users to read and write.
              This fixed the problem

            2. That’s very good you have fixed this ‘error 5’ issue by changing the ‘printers’ folder security. As I said ‘Error5’ is related to security (Permissions) but our tool can fix all type of security permission issues. We’ll have to diagnose why it did not worked in your computer. Now, we recommend you to please run a malware scan on your computer because this can be possible a malware / virus did changed this security setting. This type of securities couldn’t not change automatically by itself. We recommend you Malwarebyes and Hitmanpro scan once. You can download these tools from our tools page: http://www.techsupportall.com/tools.

    129. i have to run every time i am restarting to pc, it fixes but when i restart the pc i, i have to again run to printspooler sevice.
      what is the problem please help.
      thank you

      1. Set your print spooler service ‘startup type’ as ‘Automatic’ from services.msc page, and then reboot your computer and check. Let us know is the issue still persist.

        1. HELLO
          It is set to automatically start .will you please list all the dependies for print spooler.
          thank you.

          1. Hi Mohd Akeel,

            If it is already set as automatically, that means your print spooler service starts normally when boot-up the computer but it get stopped just after started. It happens due to any 3rd party program which is also starting together with printer spooler at startup and making conflicting with it. So now, we recommend you to please check your event-viewer logs after boot-up your computer and then let us know the error-log if you get any which is related with printer spooler. For more help you can follow our this dedicated page on this particular issue: https://www.techsupportall.com/print-spooler-keeps-stopping-automatically

            Its main dependencies are RPC (Remote Procedure Call (RPC)) & HTTP. But HTTP is not mandatory. And its sub-dependencies are “DCOM server Process Launcher” & “RPC Endpoint Mapper”.

    130. Thank you it does work…..but….not permanently! I seem to lose my print spooler oin a daily basis. I use windows xp sp3 and preferably virtual printer…thanks again.

      1. Hi Ann Bulford,
        We’ll help you to diagnose this issue for you. Could please answer me following question.
        Q1. When you start (boot-up) your computer and just after that try to print out, do you get any error message? Please let us know the whole error message if you get. If this doesn’t happened then let us know when you get your printer spooler service stopped.

        Please explain more about the issue so that we can diagnose it for you.

    131. You guys are amazing! Fixed my issue 1st time! I’ve just spent 1/2 a day looking into fixing this issue and failing miserably – until I found your repair tool that is 😉

      Thank you.

      1. Happy to know that your issue has fixed by our tool. Thank you so much for your appreciation. Have a great day!!

    132. Hi, It’s great that you are trying to help. I have upgraded from Win7 to Win10 and I can’t add a printer as the spooler keeps stopping. Your program has not cured the fault unfortunately. I have tried manually restarting the spooler but it stops after a few seconds.
      Settings/printers says driver not available. Running a print job I have to click ‘find printer’ and when I click on ther driver I get the error ‘Windows cannot connect to the printer. The local print spooler service is not running’. Any help in what to try next would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

      1. Sure, we’ll help you.
        If your print spooler service stops within a few seconds that means a software’s or system’s ‘.dll’ file must be doing conflicting with spooler service. Hence, you just have to find that ‘.dll’ file which is making conflicting and then let us know the file path & name, then we’ll suggest you further steps. To know how to find that ‘.dll’ file, please follow the step 13 from this article: Click here >> Fix Print spooler stops automatically.
        Contact us again after done all that.

    133. Hi
      Your program works great. But i have since bought a new printer HP 8610. Unistalled all the software for the old one. Now after installing the new HP printer i still have to do the printer spooler fix everytime after the computer shuts down?

      Very frustrating do you have any suggestions for me. As i am assuming i have a virus making this happen?

      Thanks Lea

      1. Make sure the printer spooler service’s startup type should be set as ‘Automatic’. If it is already set as automatic then it could be possibility, a virus creates this problem. We recommend you to please run Hitmanpro / Malwarebytes from our tools page.

        If above steps don’t help you then contact us again.

        1. Hi
          Thank You for your prompt reply. As i am not really that computer savvy.
          Could you please tell me where to go to see if the printer spooler service is
          set to automatic please.

          Thank You

    134. win xp, first time worked smooth, in a day it showed error again, but in a few second it runned again, my prediction is virus or some kind of it, or it’s all about win xp ?, i’am downloading hitman pro and malware byte, thanks

      1. Do you get any error message while starting your print spooler service manually. If yes, so please share that whole error message with us. If you have not tried to start print spooler service manually, so please try to start it and let us know.

    135. Win XP SP2.
      The Spooler service is activated and deactivated only.
      After uninstalling the printer and run the program the service back to normal. When run with the installed printers the problem persisted.
      Greetings. Well done.

      1. It works on windows 8.1 as well. Please explain your problem in detailed so that we can give you exact steps.

    136. itz still not working printer spooler services are stopped itz not getting started see
      Windows could not start the Print Spooler service on Local Computer.

      Error 0x800706b9: Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.


    137. OS – MS Windows Vista
      Ver. Service Pack2
      System – HP Pavilion
      System Type – x64-based PC

      Tried your Print Spooler FixTool but it did not work. Same error message “can’t open Add Printer. The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine.”

      Any other suggestions?

      1. If our tool ran without error, it means your print spooler is working perfectly fine but some other application or .dll file must be making conflicting with print spooler service and then crashes print spooler service just after start it. To diagnose this issue, first you have to find out which program or file is making conflicting. Here we give you the article which make you learn you how you can find out faulty application or file. Here is the article: https://www.techsupportall.com/print-spooler-keeps-stopping-automatically/

      1. Happy to know that your issue has fixed by our tool. We take payment only through PAYPAL and it is fully secured. Though, your appreciation is enough to inspire us to do more better. Thanks

    138. Did not fix problem. I have Windows 7 and a Lexmark printer. Apparently, the Lexmark printer causes part of the problem. Simply changing or starting the spooler is not enough to solve this. It may have something to do with the Lexmark printer drivers.

    139. The app worked. The printers “installed” following the repairs the app did but they did not work until I uninstalled and reinstalled them. I am grateful, though, since I had tried all possible methods including installing and reinstalling the printers, windows repair tool, cleaning the spooler file and more. Attempt to install Adwremoval tool conflicted to the extent I got BSD. Likely a conflict with existing firewalls but still…

      It was not a fun trip, but thanks to the techsupport tool I am printing again!

      1. Happy to know that your print spooler service issue has solved by our tool. Your appreciation is enough to inspire us to more better.

      1. Print Spooler issue comes again means maybe one of 3rd party application is making conflicting with print spooler service. We suggest you some steps to fix this issue, please follow the following article’s steps and let us know again if doesn’t work. Don’t forget to run a scan with an anti-malware in the end like: Hitmanpro / Malwarebytes etc. Click here to get article: How to fix print spooler service keeps stopping issue.

    140. Ran your program and the printer was recognized and is now functional once again. Many thanks!

      1. Please try to start your spooler service from the services page and let me know the result, does it get start or not – let me know whole error message if you get any?

    141. As i have repair the spooler but the problem is still their the main problem is that its printing but document but giving command to the print very late .Print spooler spool very quickly but takes too long for printer to print page before it was printing documents within a second but now it takes too long to print or some times nothing happen.

      1. Turn off your printer for 10 minutes, make sure all the cables from back of the printer should be unplugged. And after that reinstall the drivers with the latest drivers.

    142. MY eror is still continue…………….. 🙁 🙁

      its showing the spooler service is not running

      1. If our tool ran without error, it means your print spooler is starting perfectly but it get stopped just after few seconds due to one of 3rd party application or system’s .dll file is making conflicting with print spooler service. You have to find out the .dll file which is making conflicting with this. We recommend you an article which will help in this situation. Click here for the article

    143. Have just completed install of my canon mx882 in win xp thanks to you. Your tool installed and worked as promised in starting my print spooler. My only regret is that I didn’t find you in my search sooner, before downloading other program and almost running the fix after a free scan. I will gladly donate for your service and will bookmark your site for future reference. Again, thanks much for the help.

      1. Please explain your whole issue of printer spooler with us, we’ll help you with this.

        1. I am trying to download my Canon MX 340 printer, and each time I try, I keep getting the message print spooler has stopped.

          1. I replied your last message, please follow my reply solution and then let us know the result. If our solution doesn’t help you then we’ll assist you more until fix your issue. Thanks

    144. No it didn’t work. I keep getting the same message: print spooler has stopped. Any suggestions?

      1. If our tool ran without error it mean one of 3rd party application’s “.dll” file / system’s “.dll” file/ driver’s “.dll” file is making conflicting with print spooler service and crashing it. Anyway, we’ll help you to fix this issue, first follow the following article instruction to get that “.dll” file path: https://www.techsupportall.com/print-spooler-keeps-stopping-automatically/

        If above solution doesn’t help for you then explain the whole error message with me which you are getting.

    145. No, it didn’t work, but I will try the other recommendations that you made to solve this problem. You are one of the best services. I will post more about whether I was successful. Thank you.

    146. I used the Printer Spooler Tool with the shortcut I was given
      from HP a few months ago.
      My printer is offline, and the Spooler didn’t fix the problem!
      I guess I’ll have to figure somthing out, because I can’t print.

      1. Printer spooler issue is different and printer offline issue is different. You have to cause in other way. Print spooler issue will be fixed once you will run our tool.
        For printer offline issue, check your connection of printer or do right-click on printer icon in control panel and un-tick the option “use printer offline”.

        Let us know if need more help, we’ll happy to assist you more.

      1. What error message shows your print spooler? Please explain your problem in detail with us so that we can help you further.

      1. Please share your printer problem with us in detail, we’ll give you the solution accordingly.

    147. Hi gang, I had hopes but this did not work for me, the other I day I noticed all my printers were gone now when i go to add a printer it tells me my printer spooler is not running I restarted it but it keeps crashing. any other suggestions? WIn7 pro

    148. Thanks chaps. Beautifully hassle free. A donation has been sent to you with much gratitude. The only suggestion that I would make would be to put your feedback form at the top of the page or maybe have a one click link to the said form. It took me a while to realize that I had to scrol through all the previous feedback messages in order to have my say. But maybe that is what you intended all along. 🙂

      1. Thank you so much for the suggestion. We’ll implement your suggestion very soon. Thanks

    149. Hello, unfortunately could not clear a situation that i have one file, no name, dated year 99 and ca’t print anything. Printer status is “processing”

      1. Turn off and leave your printer and your computer for 10 minutes and then start both of them and try to print, if doesn’t work this trick then you have to re-install your printer driver. Please let us know if both tricks doesn’t work for you.

    150. Hi, I have windows 10, i used the tool to try and repair the spooler error. Unfortunately it was not successful, but I appreciate giving it a go. Thanks

      1. Please explain your print spooler problem in detail with us, we’ll assist you with that in FREE.

    151. my local printer spooler is not running even after repair ,how to fix this problem? my operating system is windows 8

      1. Please do start your printer spooler service manually from services page, let us know the result then we can able give you any solution.

    152. The tool does not work for me with Windows 10. Here is sequence: Run tool; then print document (to wifi connected Epson Workforce 630); when I try to open the print queue and get: ‘Error Opening Printer…Windows cannot connect to the printer…the local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine’. I restart the spooler using ‘Services’ command, then the document prints. I have had this same problem for months and have tried multiple things, but unable to get spooler to work. Would appreciate any help.

      1. Sure, we’ll help you.
        Look, print spooler service starts when the computer get started. As you said you can manually stop and start print spooler service easily and after that print comes out. It means your print spooler works PERFECTLY but some other program crashes it. Anyway, we are giving you an article which will help you to find the solution for this problem, please click here to get the article: How to fix print spooler service crashing issue.

        Please get back to us if the problem doesn’t resolve.

        1. Your proposed solution per the ref’ed article HAS NOT BEEN SUCCESSFUL for me. Following are pertinent details from the STEPS that I executed from your recommended article:

          Results of ‘STEP 9’ (SFC /scannow):
          Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586]
          (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

          C:\WINDOWS\system32>SFC /scannow

          Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.

          Beginning verification phase of system scan.
          Verification 100% complete.

          Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some
          of them. Details are included in the CBS.Log windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For
          example C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. Note that logging is currently not
          supported in offline servicing scenarios.

          After STEP 9, the following is found in the CBS.log file:
          CSI 00004870 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:10]”opencl.dll” of microsoft-windows-RemoteFX-clientVM-RemoteFXWDDMDriver-WOW64-C, version 10.0.10586.0, arch Host= amd64 Guest= x86, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35} in the store, hash mismatch

          CSI 00002534 [DIRSD OWNER WARNING] Directory [l:65 ml:66]”\??\C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\tools\Microsoft XPS Document Writer” is not owned but specifies SDDL in component Microsoft-Windows-Printing-XpsDocumentWriter, arch amd64, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}

          I executed STEP 10 (chkdsk /f /r) which completed with no errors or results of the action presented by the system. However, the problem persisted after executing this step.

          I executed STEP 11 (Deleted all unwanted printers) and STEP 12 (reinstalled printer driver)…However, the problem persisted after executing these steps.

          I am unable to execute Step 13, since a .dll file name and path are not provided from the Event Viewer / Windows Logs. Here are the Error details that are given:
          Faulting application name: spoolsv.exe, version: 10.0.10586.122, time stamp: 0x56cc1211
          Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
          Exception code: 0xc0000005
          Fault offset: 0x0000000001a6a8b0
          Faulting process id: 0x18e0
          Faulting application start time: 0x01d1d881902a0da9
          Faulting application path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\spoolsv.exe
          Faulting module path: unknown
          Report Id: e0f66c88-f9e9-407e-a199-043ec1b49b3b
          Faulting package full name:
          Faulting package-relative application ID:

          I am at a loss as to what I should do at this point. I have not had successful results after following all of your recommended steps. Can you provide me any additional information and/or directions?

          1. Sure, we’ll help you. We would recommend you two more steps:

            1. Download and run Combofix tool.
            2. Create a new user profile account on your computer and then login into this and try to do print as well.

            TSA Team

            1. Downloaded ComboFix.exe….will not execute on Windows 10 system.
              Created new user profile account; logged in…same problem is present with new user account.

    153. Hi guz, had nothing to lose with your tool – but it didn’t work for me. Windows 8.1 IE 11 KEEP GETTING ERROR NUMBER 5. Hey thanks for the service!!

      1. Is this error 5 getting while printing or while using IE11? Please explain your problem in detail here, we’ll help you.

    154. Sorry did not work – still cannot get my pictures to print. I have windows 10 and a HP 935C Desk Jet printer. It does print text.

      1. Please explain your problem in detail with the complete error message then we can able to give you further steps.

    155. I have windows 10 and unfortunately this did not fix my print spooler. Have tried many options but so far nothing.

      1. If our tool did not work on your computer then try to repair print spooler service manually using following article’s help: Repair print spooler service manually.
        Or if this doesn’t fix your issue the check its startup mode and conflicting issue using following article’s help: How to fix printer spooler servie stops automatically.
        Let me know if your problem doesn’t fix after that.


    156. Many, many thanks for your Print Spooler Repair Tool which has solved the non printing I have been grappling with for some days. The program description only mentions up to Windows 8 but it worked on my Windows 10. I have left a grateful donation.

    157. I’m working on Windows 10 and the repair tool did not work for me. Very frustrating. Thanks for trying! Printing worked for several months and now only lets me only print one document at a time.

    158. I upgraded my computer from Windows 7 to Windows 10 & started having problems with my printer. I downloaded print spool tool & used it about 2 weeks ago, It worked, my printer was working fine, but today the problem came back. Printer does not work, I’m using the spool tool again, hopefully it will work permenantly & I won’t have printer problems anymore!! Thank you very much techsupportall

    159. I am using a Dell Vostro 1520 running Windows XP We installed a new printer HP OfficeJet Pro and get the Print spooler error. I ran your fixit tool and it will print once and then the print spooler error appears. Can you help?

    160. I am trying to run the fix tool on win 7 64 bit and it seems stuck on “clearing Print Queue” a few minutes after it begin working.
      what can i do?
      the print spooler service is keep stop working

        1. Check the Windows logs in “Even Viewer –>> Windowslogs –>> application” for any other application conflicting issue. There should be an error logs created at the time of when printer spooler service get crashed.
          You can share this errors logs with us for suggesion.

          TSA Team

    161. When it is clearing the print queue it gets an ‘unhandled exception’ ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’. If I continue it just hangs and the progress bar does not go any further.

      1. Thank you for the information, we’ll fix this issue as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you can try one thing, run our tool in safemode and then let us know.

    162. Walter Adriance

      Spooler repair did not fix the problem. I have windows 10 on a recently purchased ASUS computer. My printer is Epson 1280M ink jet.

      1. Hi Walter Adriance,
        We’ll help you to fix this issue. Please start your print spool manually and let us know the result, does it start normally or give any error message? After that we’ll give you further steps accordingly.

    163. Hi Walter,

      I ran the print-spooler tool and it worked…I could print without difficulty all of that session. However, when I restart my pc, I get the same error message as previously….so I just run the tool again, and again I print just fine without difficulty.

      I’m using XP SP3…. Any reason why I have to run the tool every session, or is there something I can do so that I won’t have to?

      Best Regards,


    164. my printer is offline. I printed out the “Printer Status Report” sheet, and
      the report tells me Network Status: Offline. I used your Print Spooler
      Repair Tool. That did not fix the problem. How do I fix this problem
      If your repair tool isn’t working?

      1. Our tool is not able to fix printer offline issue. Anyway, as of my observation your printer’s network connectivity is not stable. We recommend you to please re-setup (re-install) your printer again.

    165. Unfortunately Printer Spooler service missing was not fixed,and spoolss.dll and spoolsv.exe are missing on system32 as well.

    166. Worked great for Win 10 issue. Thank you so much! One recommendation, you should put the comment box up top so users do not have to scroll all the way to the bottom to leave feedback.

      1. Thanks for using our tool. And we are happy that our helped you.
        Sure, we’ll put it on top. Thanks for your suggestion.

    167. This did not fix my problem. After running your Fix Program for Print Spooler I then went to the Control Panel and selected “Devices and Printers”. The task was completely hung, did not even open up the Devices & Printers window. What happens then when I enter services and Restart the Print Spooler (it is running) then the task comes awake and the window looks normal. The hang happens whenever I click on a print request irregardless of the application that I am using. The hang is always cleared when I stop/start Spooler. Windows 10, Epson WF-3620 network printer, Dell Desktop.

      1. Please try this temp file cleaning tool and the let us know if doesn’t fix the issue. Thanks

    168. Print Spooler Repair Tool really worked. I am getting the prints. Unfortunately it is not printing PDF files. Still I will try re-installing the tool. Thank you so much.

      1. Hi Vyas,
        Thank you for using our tool.
        We recommend you to please reinstall PDF reader as well.
        Let us know if doesn’t work.

    169. Dear Sir,

      My HP Printer laserjet 3050 all in one not working due to control penal light yellow blank. Printer spooler service not solved this problem. Pls help us

      1. It menans, problem is not in your printer spooler, it is in your printer hardware itself. You just need to do one thing if it can be fixed:

        1. Remove all the cables from back of the printer.
        2. Press and hold the printer’s power button for 10-15 seconds then release it.
        3. Reboot your computer as well
        4. Now start your computer and plug all the printer’s cable as it connected before and start the printer as well. Now to try to print and let us know.

        1. Dear Sir,After try as per your reply Problem not solved . When start and power on printer then printer control panel light show yellow blank and Cencel button is on .

          1. The last two steps you can try to fix it:

            1. Do clean your print queue. Remove all the files from c:\windows\system32\spool\printers
            2. Try to print a test print from printer right-click options.
            3. Take ink cartridges off from printer and then re-install properly.
            4. Try align print cartridges from software.

        1. Dear Sir,

          Just problem not solved. JUST Control panal screen is yellow not any show word in printer like ready .when i start troubleshooting after show A Print job in the print Queue is preventing other print jobs from fixed Problem.

          1. If your printer gives you a blank or yellow screen, it means the problem is in your printer hardware itself (it is not software problem). I tried manual reset option on this prtiner earlier but no avail. So we recommend you to please bring your printer to printer repair shop to repair it.

        2. Dear Sir,

          Just problem not solved. when I Start printer trouble shooting then show A Print job in the print queue is preventing other print jobs from fix problem

          1. If print queue creating poroblem, so stop print spooler service first and then delete all the file under this folowwing locations: C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS

    170. Win10 Pro 64Bit Does not want to work or be repaired no matter what i do and any way i try to run the repair tool 🙁

    171. Windows XP SP3
      My printers:
      HP 1515
      Foxit PDF Printer
      Solid PDF Printer

      HP works, but the pdf printers don’t.
      Printers disappear in the printer list, the message: “printing error”

      1. No, donation doesn’t matter. Our tool works for all the users equally. Might be your problem is differnt. Could you please explain your problem in detail so that we can hlep you accordingly.

    172. Debbi Van Ordstrand

      Help! Am at my my Mom’s house. She’s 88 years old and uses her PC.
      Am going to follow you instructions on getting rid of this malicious DoctoPDF.
      I’m in the Control Panel and cannot find this program to remove it – is it embeded into Mozilla?

      1. Yes, your browser is also get infected with this.
        If you don’t find the name in installed apps list then use our tool: Adware Removal Tool by TSA which will automatically detect and remove DoctoPDF from your all the browsers. Please try and then let us know.
        Download Adware Removal Tool by TSA

    173. no use of this app. Still facing the same problem in windows 8. And i am unable to take a print. Unable to start the service bec it showing the same error.

      1. Please give me the whole error message which you get while starting your print spooler service manually then we help you in a exact manner.

    174. Did not fix problem. I recently changed to Windows 10 and can’t print to printer. Says print spooler service isn’t running. I have a dell aio printer 942.

      1. Please do start your print spooler service manually from services page and let us know if you get any error message while doing this.

    175. Hi, I would absolutely be willing to make a donation…if it worked! Unfortunately I am still having problems, despite loading your program twice. The first time it did at least show the device on a screen, but did not print. This second time I don’t even see the device listed or showing anywhere. I’m sure you have a great support program, but not apparently for me.

      1. Hi,
        Thank you for using our tool.

        Please do one thing, do start your print spooler service manually and let us know you get any error message. Also let us know if you’ll not any error messafe while doing this.


    176. My problem is now worse ! Ink is pooling on the photograph paper. Can the print spooler repair process be reversed as my printer is of no use to mw like this !

      1. Ye, this is a hardware issue, our tool can’t fix this. please clean your ink cartridges or change it if get damaged.

    177. Man alive. I wish I had found this fixer about 2 weeks ago. Worked like a charm first time. Don’t see why MS can’t come out with an easy fix.

      Thanks for ending my misery. Will definitely send a donation.

      Thanks a bunch

    178. Dear Sir, My hp laserjet 3050 printer not initializing . As per printer machnic My Hp laser jet 3050 printer logic card damage. card price is 4000 rs . Can this price is OK.

    179. Wow! It works now, so easy! I’ve been on the phone with Dell customer service for literally hours. (Terrible customer service by the way).

      Thanks so much!

    180. Well, downloaded and ran the zipped file and immediately worked. This was executed on a WON XP machine in normal mode, so I will see if it is still working when I next use the PC, but so far so so so so good. Thanks

    181. Yes, thanks this did the trick. So happy after being online with HP all morning and being told to pay for help, this was absolutely fabulous!

    182. Dear Sir,

      My HP LASERJET 3050 Printer scaner not working. during scan page blank coming after scan. pls help me

      1. It might be a hardware issue. Try do a copy from copier. You can try to reinstall your printer & scanner drivers once to make sure there is no driver conflicting issue.

    183. Praise the Lord, it worked!! Thank you so much for your help. This is a recurring problem for me. I will bookmark your page so I can download this again if needed. Great job!

    184. This worked like charm for me my printers were always dissapearing from my printing options just runned the program and it fixed it without restarting the computer!

    185. Not working.
      Can not add a printer.
      Keep getting the same message…”Windows can’t open Add printer…”
      This was my last resort since I’ve tried everything already.

      Thanx anyway

    186. I’ve been trying for days to “print”, but the spooler wouldn’t work. All the Windows 7 ‘troubleshooter’ told me was that the spooler wasn’t working. (Duh!!!) I finally searched the internet for solutions to my problem and found a number of sites which would solve the issue if I ‘purchased’ their services. Then I found YOUR site, downloaded your free Repair Tool, and it worked!

      I’m a “Senior Citizen” (80) and really appreciate what you did for me. Thanks, so much.

      1. Your problem must be different because it works on XP computer perfectly. Please provide the complete detail of your printer problem, we’ll help you surely.

    187. I have a problem with the printer sending the file to print queue..
      The file quickly disappears from the queue without printing.
      All drivers were re-installed and the device was disabled-enabled in device manager and nothing helped..
      Someone suggested I should try this program, unfortunately it didn’t help me.
      I still have the same problem..
      I’ve had Win 10 for some time now, this only occured last week and I have no idea why.

      1. If your documents goes to print queue, it means your print spooler service is perfectly fine. But as you said it disappeared without print, it’s really strange situation. We’ll research on that and let you know. Meanwhile, do one thing, do uninstall and then reinstall the “printing support” under USB devices in device manager. After that try to reinstall printer drivers. Then let us know the result.

    188. Still the issue not fixed. I did the repair but still all of my printing document goes into spooling and never gets printed.

      1. If your document is going to printer spooler queue, it means there is no problem in your print spooler service. The problem could be in printer drivers. So we recommend you to please reinstall your printer driver.

    189. It used to work but not anymore? I have an HP Pavillion and an hp printer ,Officejet 6700. I have had both 6-7 years? Printing problems started sometime after I downloaded Windows 10.What now?

    190. It’s Work Sir but when i restart my PC…this problem start …
      Some time print Spooler solve this problem but it’s work only 2-3 startup pc but after this when I restart my Computer this problem start automatically….
      Solve this Sir

    191. Worked a treat with Win7 – better than Windows rubbish troubleshooting system
      But need a button to get to the bottom of this page.

    192. Your program have not fixing my problem …

      “Could not start the Print Spooler service on Local Computer.
      0x800706b9 error: The available resources are not sufficient to complete the operation. ”

      What a pity ….

      1. It works perfectly on windows 7. Maybe your print spooler have different type of problem. Please explain your problem here, we’ll solve it.

    193. Didnt work on win 10
      Sometimes works but most of the time doesnt work.
      After giving print always shows print error.

    194. It didn’t do anything for me. Still cant add any printers, and it still says my spooler isn’t working 🙁

    195. It didn’t work for my old windows xp; I restart printer spooler in services but when I try printing I get message that the spooler isn’t running.

    196. Did not work. I’m running Windows7 SP1, recently installed from scratch. I installed a printer a couple of days ago, which worked them. Now the spooler service keeps stopping. It says it has a dependency on RPC and HTTP. RPC is running. HTTP is not shown in the services list. Is this the problem?

      1. No, http service is not the cause of this problem. Even you can remove this “http” entry from dependency tab. The main cause must be else. Actually, your print spooler service stops just after started, means must have an app or dll file which is making conficting with spooler service. To find out the faulty app and fix this issue we have made an article on that particular issue. Please follow the following articles steps to get it fixed.
        Please let us know again if need more help

    197. Dear Sir,

      I use HP LASERJET 3050 Printer. But some time our printer scanner not working. when i start document scan when PC Show massege ” No paper document in Feeder “

      1. We give you two solutions for this. First, do Power-drain your printer. Second, reinstall your printer and scanner driver.

    198. Thanks, your tool fixed the print spooler problem the first time but it happened again so I used your software again but it didn’t work this time. I had to reinstall my printer but the problem was still there, the spooler was stopping. So I ran your software again and it fixed it. Let’s hope it will not happen again.

    199. Looking good so far, Task Manager now says the spoolers running. That’s the first time its done that since I got this machine as a hand-me-down years ago.

    200. Well, I still cannot print
      It says te spooler is running but I cannot print.. The epson printer will print a test page on its own

    201. Spooler was running, I stopped it , then set to start manualy then clicked start. I have tried to printt again , no joy

    202. The problem was not solved, I have 2 printers and neither could be found. Full programs installed and both printers have worked in the past perfectly. I tried to use one monitor for 2 computers using the so called correct switch ever since then the 2 printers have not worked and everything I have tried has failed.
      Operating system is windows 10 a useless program.

      1. Hi Terry,
        We’ll help you but we need some information first,

        Please check your printer spooler status in services page, is that “started” or “stopped” ?. If you get it stopped then try to start it manually and then try print out something then let us know the result.


    203. Did not solved my problem. Still getting error trying to add a printer in latest windows 10 (1607) with all updates through January ’17. Error message:

      X Windows can’t open Add Printer.

      The local print spooler service is not
      running. Please restart the spooler or
      restart the machine

      I have started the spooler services and restarted them repeatedly as well as restarting the system many times. Suspect system file corruption – at least that is what System File Checker tells me. I was hoping to rebuild the spooler subsystem withour having to do a complete rebuild with Windows 10. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


      1. Sure we’ll help you to fix this issue. It seems like your print spooler service is crashing due to another application or its .dll file is making conflicting with your print spooler service. So you have to find out that faulty application and share it to us so that we will help you accordingly.
        To find out the application name please use method 13 from giving article: Click here:- https://www.techsupportall.com/print-spooler-keeps-stopping-automatically/

    204. Unfortunately this program didn’t help me..!!!

      After the successful completion of the fixing, I tried to print word file (Just to convert word file to pdf) but the program was “Not responding” and got stucked (forever) until I close the program forcefully. I even tried to print the web page, same thing happened, I had to shut my browser. If anyone tackled this kind of problems, please help me. That would be great..

      1. Please reboot your computer once and then try to printout. If still facing the same problem then let us know.

    205. spooler solve the problem but the problem Repeating when repeating printing orders several orders

    206. The problem still persist after using the repair tool. This is valid for all applications who will send a document (.DOC, .PDF, TXT, etc.) to printer. During the print process the meta file appears in the Windows spool folder (C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS) and then disappears (removed) shortly.

      I configured out that by starting e.g. Acrobat with Admin rights the PDF document will be printed as usual on my printer. This also happens for Word and all other formerly not printing applications, but this shouldn’t be a normal process.

      Windows 10 Professional (German)
      HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M277

      1. Meta file appears in this location when you make a print command and then disapear when it printed. Please let us know if the file disappear and print doesn’t come.

    207. Did not work for me. Win 8.1. I have to start the printer spooler every time I reboot.
      What I do know is go to control panel and troubleshoot the printer problem and it loads
      the printer spooler.

    208. in my computer if I turned on the print spooler then the apps that I install to my computer is not working…

      now what to do?

      1. Which app doesn’t work after start print spooler service? How you know the app doesn’t work due to print spooler service?

    209. have not check it because i am in safe mode and its giving me another error meassage basicly will not start in safe mode
      i have more sucess installing hard ware in safe mode i know the soft ware companys are trying to stop you from useing old stuff and they suceed with there ways
      but i am now going to donate a pound because you have got me nearer to goal

      1. Doesn’t boot your computer in normal mode? run our tool in normal, it should work. Our tool doesn’t work in safemode.

    210. Still not working… Ran fix, restarted it twice. Nothing … Running Windows 10.
      Says it cant find my printer & to select one. I select it but it says Not Found..

      1. We’ll help you with this. Please do start your print spooler service from service page (services.msc) and let me know what happens.

    211. It was not good and didn,t solved my printer problem.
      In windows 7 and my office 2010 , just on excel i can not print because the printer (hp laserjet p1102 ) can not set as default printer, i don,t know why?
      Thanka for your help.

      1. Does it print when you select this printer manually. You can set your default printer simply right click on the printer and click on “Set as default” on printers page.

    212. Windows 10
      Error 0x800706b: not enough resources are available to complete this operation

      Ran your download. – It did nothing to solve the problem. Print spooler will still not start/stop. Set at auto.

      I just hope your software did not cause more damage.

      Did you backup the registry before you made any registry changes? i hope so!

    213. Did Not work for me in W 7.
      Printer stops printing half way through a page and does not restart. Printer software was reinstalled. Tried your software. HP print doctor says everything including spooler is OK but it will not do a test print?

      1. Do power drain of your printer. To do this, unplug all the cables from back of the printer and then push and hold the power button for 20 seconds and then release it. Do reboot your computer in while time. After that plug all the cables to back of the printer and then boot printer and computer as well. Try to print it should work. If this trick doesn’t work then try changinf the USB port of your printer – Unplug USB cable from computer which is connecting to printer and plug it in another port of USB then try to do print. If both trick doesn’t work then contact us again. Thanks

      1. Do explain the problem which you are facing while printing and then we’ll give you solution.

    214. The Print Spooler Repair Tool works, but it is not permanent. My Windows XP reverts to a non-printing condition after a period of time from days to just hours. I re-run the repair and it works again.

    215. This worked great at first, then I tried to print an adobe file I downloaded and it reverted back to not working.
      Any suggestions? Thanks so much.

    216. IT WORKS! my HP officejet pro 8610 was printing continuously unwanted pages. HP manual didn’t solve my problem. Downloaded print spooler repair kit, it cleared cue!

      1. If our fixit tool doesn’t work then do it manually as per given in the article and then let us know if manual trick doesn’t work.

    217. So sorry it did not work for me. I use Win 10.

      Have to click “Cancel all print jobs” and wait about 10 minutes for deletion before I can print new doc. Same thing if I want to print double side.

    218. I have spent a lot of time trying to resolve and hoped your tool would work.
      Believe me I would have gladly made a donation if it did.
      Unfortunately not.

      1. Please let us know whole error message of starting print spooler service, we’ll help you certainly.

    219. Print Spooler works but have to reload everytime I restart my computer. Am I doing something wrong. Thanks

    220. Melvin did an awesome job resolving my printer problem……………
      new printer setup proved to be an insurmountable problem for me. It is now fixed THANK YOU MELVIN.
      I had a shot of fireball instead of tequila………….it was closer……..Tequila tomorrow 🙂

    221. The repair tool did not fix the remote call procedure failed error. Still can not add a printer.
      This is a windows 10 update from windows 7 pro. There were problems before the pc was updated.
      I was asked to look at the pc by the pc’s owner.

      1. Our tool doesn’t repair “remote call procedure” service. Our tool is only for “Print Spooler Service” repair. You have to fix it manually or by microsoft fixit tool then run our this tool to repair print spooler service, then it will work.

    222. Res, Sir/Madam

      I am using widows 8.1, and word & excel both hang with I give ctrl + Print command.

      after I restart Printer spooler services or restart my laptop after it’ s working.

      please give solution for resolved this issue.

    223. Windows 10

      Seemed to work, at least once. Had no need for more printing at that time.
      However, the warning “may damage (?) your computer” came up a couple of times.

    224. Michael Tad Parks+

      Hello there,

      Your Print Spooler Repair tool is wonderful. Previously I had to go out to services, stop and restart the spooler, but that always gave me extra copies of what ever was stuck in the spooler.

      I do have a question. I am running a Lenovo W530, with Windows 10 Pro, My printer is an HP OfficeJet Pro 8740. I am having very frequent issues with stuff getting stuck in the spooler. I can’t seem to print more than 3 or 4 documents before it hangs up, and I see two docs hanging in the print que screen. Cancelling them clears one, but the other gives a status of “printing-deleting” and never does it.

      Any suggestions as to what might be the issue. Should I reinstall the printer software?
      Thanks for your great tool.

      Michael Tad Parks+

    225. Worked beautifully and solved the problem I was having of getting messages of “access denied” trying to install a printer or trying to connect to a home network printer.

    226. WinXP Home V2003 SP3. Did NOT work. SPOOLER service missing. Several tries to fix w/technet, etc. and hoped this would be it. Ensured WinFirewall and Zone Alarm were off. Deleted all instances of printers thru control panel and regedit and RE-tried from safe mode AND after regular boot.

      1. Don’t worry we’ll help you.
        Please start your print spooler manually and let us know if you get any error message or what happens?

            1. Started a while back when I couldn’t print something I used to print so I went to the printers to check on port settings and NO printers were there. Tried to install one and got the “operation cannot be completed. the print spooler service is not running” message. Control Panel –> Services –> no “print” or “spooler” appears. Those words are not there – print or spooler. Windows troubleshooter, technet, this, that, the other, came across you product and tried – nogo. Back before technet, went looking for XP disc to repair/reinstall and cannot find. Recovery partition (compaq laptop) no help either. What now?

    227. Worked like a charm! Thank you so very much. It has been quite a while since I have been able to print from my laptop. The last time was just before upgrading to Windows 10 (~20 months ago).

    228. Hi – I run windows 7 ultimate and this tool “worked like a charm” – what a cool bit of software 🙂

    229. downloaded tried to print no success. when trying to print comes up with spooler sub section notworking

      but when i tried to print afet downloading tool no info is shown.
      running windows xp professional

    230. I have used the repair several times; sometimes it works, sometimes not. But even when it does work the problem happens again. I have tried all the manual fixes multiple times, get a 1068 error, spooler not running, dependency group failed to start. I have repeatedly made sure everything is started and set to automatic. I would love a permanent fix

    231. it’s solved my problem and all i just can say it’s perfect and excellent. Thanks to Developer.

    232. Still having the same problem. I get the error message, run the fix, and things work okay…for a while. Then for some reason they go back to not working. I appreciate the fix, but I’d really like to solve the problem permanently. Any idea why my computer keeps ‘acting up”?

    233. Did not work for me. I am working in Windows 10 and I keep getting message: Local print spooler not running and I go into services-printer spooler and try to restart but it don’t allow me to restart, stop or start.

      1. Hi,
        Thank you for contacting us.
        Sure, we’ll help you this. Could tell us, are you getting any error message while you trying to start print spooler service manually? What exactly happens when you are trying to do this.

    234. Hi, trying to add a new printer..Keeps saying the same as everyone here to an extent, printer spool won’t start.
      I went through and hit start in the services and within seconds it stopped..
      Tryed your software in the normal and safe modes, and rebooted no such luck. Any help would be appreciated. Thnx..

    235. Didn’t work. Every time I try to print the printer says to unpause the document. Even though I have deleted and reprinted many times.

      1. We’ll help you with this. Could you please tell me, what happens when you do print command, does it go to spooler which says “prining”? or give any error message?

      1. Please explain your problem in detail with whole error message, we’ll help you with that. Thanks

    236. After 3 weeks of intermittent problems and 4 hours of the store register being down, worked great! We are back up and running!

    237. A fascinating discussion is definitely worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you should publish more about this subject matter, it might not be a taboo subject but usually folks don’t discuss such issues. To the next! Kind regards!!

    238. Hi
      I was thrilled to find this tool however I tried using it on my xp pro OS and it didnt work. I used Notebook, and hit print in the menu but although a tiny dialog box appeared saying it was printing, the actual printer icon never showed up in bottom task bar. Then I got a message that Notebook crashed.
      My peripherals have not worked in over a year since last July and I have not been able to fix the print spooler issue.
      It could be a result of one o f two things. That July I had Vonage for three days then got rid of them. I also called Comcast my ISO to have them change the Bridge setting. They did the opposite setting fro m what I asked.All power went out and peripherals have not been working since. I get all kinds of print spooler issues. I have tried all the basic spooler fixes. Im frustrated beyond belief.
      7 Comcast techs have told me they are not trained to fix this although escalated services promised they would. I even filed a complaint with the Attorney General but they said to hire a lawyer. I lot the letter they sent me. Error message says spooler cant connect the cable may not be connected no internet orVvOIP setting…Well I have installed and reinstalled every software and driver etc etc. Cables are connected. wifi is on and I have no ideA about VOIP so I called Vonage got the runaround. Ive attempted to deal with Comcast for over a year now…so ??

    239. Malvern Kudzai Mundanga

      worked perfectly thanks. however after using my printer for 2 or 3 days the error keeps coming back and when i repair again with the spooler tool it works perfect but only for a while, i don’t know what could be the problem ??

    240. Unfortunately my problem on my Windows 7 machine did not go away. When I try to add aprinter, I get a message that the local print spoolse is not running, even though in “Services” it says it is started. Also, I cannot print to a printer that is already loaded on my machine.

      1. It is fully compatible to work with windows 10, problem could be diffrent in your case. Anyway, please explain your issue in detail then we’ll help you with this.

      1. Our tool is fully compatible to work in windows XP OS, maybe in your case there might be diffrent problem. Anyway, we’ll help you with that. Please explain your issue completely then we can say something about that.

    241. Win 10 64 bitt
      Printer Printed but did not delete the spooler after it printer

      Tool fixed it Thank You


    242. jose freitas

      The tool works in Win 7 64 bits after i run it but when i restart only works if i run it again. I try to put the file in the start-up folder but the exe doesnt work. i try to give permission in bitdefender but continue not run.
      how i solve it?
      Any answer

      1. Don’t try to put our tool into startup becasue it wouldn’t be sense. Anyway, we’ll help you to make it fix. We recommend you and article which will help you to fix the printer spooler startup issue. Your print spooler is working fine, however it seems have only one problem, it will won’t be start when computer start or stopped just after started. We have to find our the issue. For now please follow the below given articles steps and then let us know back: https://www.techsupportall.com/print-spooler-keeps-stopping-automatically/

    243. Second time with this problem. Ran you program to fix it but once again it didn’t.. Last time it took hours on the phone with tech support. So frustrated!

    244. The program message at the end of the process said that it was ‘successful, will see if the computer work’s better.

      1. I have ncomputing..I attach two printers one LX 310 and other HP p1102 on host ncomputing, the HP was normal all client can print but the LX 310 can’t..even the host can’t print viewing error spooling then the printer pause.

        1. Did you tried re-installing lexmark printer? because lexmark printer use their own lexmark print spooler service which will be fixed once you reinstall. Please let us know if this trick doesn’t work.

    245. Did not work on my Windows 10 HP Envy. Problem is not spooler stopping or starting. Problem is que doesn’t clear after printing file.

    246. Tool kit responded and was successful. But still I cannot connect my Printer HP all n one 4100.
      PC is Windows 7. Any suggestions

      1. Please explain whole problem with us in detail, then we’ll help you accordingly. Please share the whole error message text if you get any.

      1. Please explain your complete problem with us in detail (What exactly happens when you do print command). After that we can help you in a right way.

    247. Did not work on Windows 10. Printer is installed and is shown, but printing attempts fail with the notification that I need to select a printer. The Canon printer cannot be selected/accessed. Canon tech says I have print spooler problems but it runs, does not stop, and uninstalling/reinstalling files did not help.

      1. We’ll help you in this matter. Please let us know the whole error message that you are getting while printing and explain more about the problem.

      1. Thank you for contacting us.
        First of all could you please provide more detail about “failed long reply”, it would help us to fix this issue. You can contact us by email at info@techsupportall.com anytime directly.
        Please provide more information about print spooler problem which you are facing in this windows 10 machine at info@techsupportall.com

    248. I removed the print spooler service not available notice when attempting to print, but the printer will still not print. The self-test report on the printer works fine.

    249. Dear Sirs

      Your tool works but i need to run each time that Windows starts.
      Theare are any soluction for your tools runs in the start-up?


    250. Its a cool prog. However under windows 7 64 bit i have to run this prog every single time i re-boot my pc.

    251. Have ran the repair tool several times – cleared the printer folder within system32 – cleaned and update pc – still no luck the spooler keeps turning off 🙁 Windows 7 Pro 32 bit – HPZ230.. any other ideas ??

      1. If our tool has fixed the printer issue once and it keeps turning off, it means your printer spooler service is working fine but other app or dll file is conflicting with the print spooler service. So you have to remove that conflicting app or file to solve it. To find out the root cause we are giving you an article which have mentioned in step by step guide how you can resolve this issue. So please follow the articles instructions. Click here: https://www.techsupportall.com/print-spooler-keeps-stopping-automatically/

      1. Our computer still does not recognize the connection to the printer even though we have spent hours trying to fix the problem even with professional help. Our problem began with updates not requested for Windows 10

        1. Do run our tool once and then reinstall the drivers of this printer. It should work for you. Please let us know if doesn’t.

    252. It works, but not completely for me. Everytime after a few print jobs, a print job gets stuck, even though it is finished. I can delete it, but it does not disappear. In this way, I have to run the tool about every five print jobs. Could you please help me with a solution?
      Thank you in advance!

      1. Your print spooler seems working fine as it worked at once. It seems like problem in your printer physically, as I can diagnose for now. Please do power-drain your printer and if doesn’t work this trick then do re-install your printer. If both tricks doesn’t work then please let us know again.

    253. Sorry it Didn’t work, my print file is still stuck in the Queue. I have located the service file and highlighted the Print spooler and in shows Starting and Automatic as the settings. When I press either stop or cancel nothing happens

      1. Print stucks in print spooler, it means problem in priner itself or its drivers which is installed on computer. So we recommend you to please reinstall your printer drivers and then do turn off your printer for 1 minute and then turn it on. Please let us know the result after done both of the steps.

    254. Been having problem with the print head on this HP officejet Pro 6830 tried this printer spool to see if it would repair it have no luch might have to buy another printer this printer is only 1 yr old that really blows

    255. Did not work for HP Officejet 6700. Win 10. It said it was successfull my “print spooler” is still not on the services.msc.

      1. Hi,
        We’ll help you in this,
        Please do one thing open services.msc page and then try to start and stop print spooler service and then let us know the status here, what happens. Please provide the whole error message if you get any.

    256. looked like it had worked, said running when I looked at my services in Task Manager but stopped – I have
      Windows 8.1

      1. Please explain what exactly happens when you try to print out, so that we can help you in that way.

      1. It should worked. Anyway, please explain your problem in detail so that we can help you exactly.

    257. it just says “finished successfully”.

      It should tell what problems were there that it fixed. At least, It should tell whether there was any problem or everything was already ok.

      1. Thank you for your suggestion. We’ll add more detail in next version.
        Acutally, our tool reset the whole print spooler service, so if you get “Finished Successfully” message that means it has done the reset process.
        Please let us know if your printer spooler did not fix yet.


    258. hi it’s not working , i am facing event id 808 error.
      i have tried all task regedit and clean printer job and install ,uninstall driver all .
      kindly help me

      1. Sure, we’ll help you.
        You just need answer my following questions and then I’ll give you solution after diagnose.

        1. What exactly happens when you go to services page and start the print spooler service? If not tried so please try it and let us know the whole error message what you get there.
        2. How many printers do you have?
        3. What is the make & model number of printer?
        4. What is your operating system version?
        5. What exactly happens when try to print?

        1. i have use windows server 2012 r2 64 bit standard. i used this server for thinclient.

          i try to add printer then i received error ” windows can’t open add printer The remote procedure call failed” when again try then error “the local printer spooler services not running .please restart the spooler or restart machine”.
          i have checked log then error event id 808.
          all printer are network printers . currently no printer connected and i am unable add printer by network or physical .

          i try below mention sol.
          1> i have restart system.
          2> restart spooler services and remote procedure call service.
          3> remove all printer drivers .
          4> remove from regedit.
          5> remove %systemroot%\system32\spool\printers all jobs.
          6> increase virtual memory.
          8> both service automatic .

    259. Event ID: 808
      The print spooler failed to load a plug-in module CNCENPM6.dll, error code 0x7E. See the event user data for context information

      Event ID: 7031
      The Print Spooler service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 3972 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 5000 milliseconds: Restart the service.

      Event ID: 1000
      Faulting application name: spoolsv.exe, version: 6.3.9600.17480, time stamp: 0x54585db9
      Faulting module name: HpTcpMon.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4ab0e4d3
      Exception code: 0xc0000005
      Fault offset: 0x000000000000ad75
      Faulting process id: 0x2914
      Faulting application start time: 0x01d3ce2e19a059b5
      Faulting application path: C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe
      Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\HpTcpMon.dll
      Report Id: 5ca5fd55-3a21-11e8-8178-42f2e93698ed
      Faulting package full name:
      Faulting package-relative application ID:

      1. Diagnose: The root cause of the problem is HpTcpMon.dll file. Actually, this file is corrupted somehow.
        Solution: You just need to remove or rename following file HpTcpMon.dll to old_HpTcpMon.dll from the location “C:\Windows\System32\”
        After that reboot your computer, your print spooler service will start working again.
        Your print spooler issue should be fixed, now time to fix the printer. To fix printer issue you need to uninstall and re-install printer. Your printer will start working again.
        Please let us know the result.

    260. i know that problem but if i rename or delete than it’s effect on my server . i mean to say server crashed ?

      1. Is this server HP branded server? This file can effect your HP devices only. So that’s why I gave you the option to rename the file instead of deletion. You can rename the file and do reboot your computer. Report me back accordingly.

      1. Please reply back if doesn’t fix the issue then we’ll help you to resolve this issue.

    261. HP Ink advantage 3540 Al-in-one series, working as W8, under W10
      Problem: multiple spoolsv.exe files
      Print Spooler Repair Tool did not fix, unfortunately

      1. Could you please explain the main problem of the printing in detail? So that we can understand the issue first. How do you know multiple spoolsv.exe? Please provide all the spool files name.

      1. Please explain your printer issue in detail with error message if you get any then we’ll help you with that.

    262. Works great! Thanks for your great job. I will donate something by PayPal. I hope that everybody will agree you in the same way.

    263. Repair of printerspooler works perfect but later the error comes back and I have to repair it again.
      Thanks (I made a a donation)
      Bo Stark Sweden

    264. Did not repair my problem. Still will not allow me to add printer. After an update, or maybe a virus attack, my printer doesn’t work, it deleted my anti virus, Norton files, and deleted information on another software package. I have been able to repair all but my printer.

      1. Hi,
        Thank you for contacting us,
        Could you please explain in detail what exactly happens when you click on “add a printer” option or when you give print command from any documents?
        We are looking forward to you reply, so that we can answer you exactly.
        TSA Team

      1. Please go to the services page and check the print spooler service status. If it is stopped then try to start it. Let us know if you get any error message while starting up.
        How to open services page: Do right-click on “my computer” and then click on Manage –>> Services & Applications –>> Services

      1. Please explain your printer or print spooler problem in detail we will help you certainly. Also mentioned the error message if you get any.

    265. It didn’t help me at all with my problem despite the fact that I had a successful installation message.

    266. Sandra Hemenway

      Thank you. It worked great. Every Time Windows 10 does a big update, it either destroys my print spooler or turns it off.

    267. i do start my printer spooler manully and with your tool but my printer spooler services are automatically stop.

      1. If your print spooler service keeps stopping automatically, it means one of the other service, application, or its .dll file is making conflicting with printer spooler service. That’s why your print spooler service stopped automatically. We have a solution for this particular issue. We have made an article on this particular issue, we recommend you to please follow the following article’s steps (Especially step 13) and let us know.

      1. Could you please share the whole error message with us so that we can help you further in the right way.

      1. Please explain your problem in detail so that we can diagnose why it doesn’t work. Thanks

    268. Well, gave it a try twice, not a thing changed. Still get Print Spooler Services Not Running.
      Thanks for trying to help in this matter!

      1. If your print spooler service is still not running after repaired from our tool then your print spooler service must have a conflicting issue with other application or driver files. Actually, our tool has repaired your print spooler service and it starts normally but within a few seconds another application or .dll file is making conflicting with it and make it stopped. To fix this issue, we have made a particular article for that, so please follow the following article’s steps and let us know again. Click here to know how to fix print spooler service stopped automatically.

    269. i used the tool twice. I was able to connect to a printer and a test page printed. Then it disappears and is no longer in my device window. Using windows 7. I am going to try again and not attempt to install the second printer and see if that fixes it. Although I do need to have both the printers connected.

      1. If it worked once, it means your print spooler is repaired successfully but one of other service or any application’s .dll file is making conflicting with print spooler service which makes it stopped. This issue also is fixable, even we have already have made an article on that, please look on that once. click here to know how to fix print spooler auto stopped issue.

    270. It did not work. I am running Windows 10. The message says something about insufficient services.

      1. This print spooler repair tool is fully compatible with Windows Windows 10. I want to figure out why it did not work on your computer. Could you please provide the screenshot of the error message at info@techsupportall.com, it would be most helpful for us.

    271. It fixes the problem, but when I reboot, the problem is back. I have to rerun the print spooler repair.

    272. win7. PSRT does not work for me. I still have the same problem. I can’t install a new printer and I can uninstall old drivers.

      1. If our tool was not able to repair your print spooler service, so please explain your problem in more detail so that we can help.

      1. Is our tool gives you an error message? or what happened? Please explain your initial problem to us with more detail, so that we can suggest you further steps.

    273. kaukuntla sai chandra

      thank u so much for the tool, it has fixed my problem with in seconds for which iam bothering almost for a month.

      1. Maybe your computer has another cause of this printer spooler problem. Please explain your problem in detail, we’ll help you then.

    274. Very very Helpful.
      Thank You Mr Pawan for this amazing software.
      Please leave your contact number so that i can come with issues if any, later in future.
      And so that i an make an online payment for solving our issues.

      Thanks !

      1. Thank you so much for using our tool and for the appreciation.
        You’re most welcome Mr. Paresh. We’ll be happy to assist you in the future.
        We did not mention our phone number because we don’t provide support on the phone. You can leave your question in our “questions & answers” section, we’ll reply you there as soon as possible. OR contact us at info@techsupportall.com anytime.

    275. After all these days, the printer spooler problem is still occuring and this time after repairing from the software its not helping.


    276. I’m on W10. The software downloaded fine and began to run ok. It clearly ran ok and told me when it had finished. I tried to print a page but the printer still didn’t work.
      Of course, it may be that my printer problem is not to do with the spooler?

      1. Thank you for using our tool. Yes, our tool mostly fixed up all the print spooler issues. Please provide the whole error message while printing, so that we can help you further.

    277. Hi,

      Ive been uing windows 10 for a few months but recently have had problems with the print spooler. The document gets sent to the spooler but doesn’t print and I cant clear the print queue without going to services and stopping the spooler. I loaded the repair kit but it made no difference.

      1. It is a usual process that the print job goes to the spooler first and it will be staying there until printer receives this print command and print the job. If somehow the printer doesn’t receive this command, then the print job will be stuck in the spooler and can’t be deleted until you stop the print spooler service manually. So it is the usual process. But the problem could be in the printer itself or in its driver, not in print spooler. So we recommend you to please apply the “power drain” to your printer to fix this issue. Or reinstall the printer driver if it doesn’t fix the issue.

        1. Thanks for your quick response! Does power drain mean turning off the printer (which I have done) or is this another process that I have to do?

          I will also try reinstalling the printer driver.

          Once agan thanks!

          1. Power Drain means, remove the static charge from the printer.
            Power drain steps:
            1. Turn off the printer & computer.
            2. Unplug all the cables from the back of the printer.
            3. Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds.
            4. Plug all the cables back to the printer and turn on the printer & computer both.

            If the power drain doesn’t fix the problem, then it could be a driver conflicting issue. In this case, uninstall all the printer driver and install the latest driver.
            We are looking forward to your result.

    278. Hello
      I just used your tool and it has not solved anything. I have windows 7 and my problem is that the document remains after it is printed in the print queue and this causes a blockage.
      I have two computers on the same network when this happens, it blocks both.

      Can someone help me please.

      1. Hi, Thank you for contacting us. Yes, we’ll help you.
        Maybe the problem in your printer settings. We are suggesting some steps, please follow the following steps and let us know if it doesn’t work.
        1) Go to “devices & printers” page.
        2) Right-click on the printer and click on properties.
        3) Click on Advanced tab and remove the check mark from the “Keep printed documents” option.
        keep the printer doc settings

        1. Hello
          I do not have the option to “Keep printed documents” or anything like it.
          I have to keep the documents after their printing and it is disabled

          1. Ok. Could you please explain more about it.
            1. What exactly happens when you give the second print command? Whereas the first print command is printed and also stuck into the print spooler.
            2. Do you have to remove the stuck print job manually? from “C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS”
            3. If you try to remove them manually, does it remove?
            We are looking forward to your reply.

            1. Hello

              Sometimes the print queue gets stuck when giving a second document immediately, sometimes with the first document … It is something inexplicable.

              Yes, when this happens I have to delete it manually, but I do it from the same print queue, “Delete all the print jobs” takes a bit but deletes it. Then, in a couple of minutes, the second document that I have canceled comes out of the printer and I can now print again in the normal way.

              If I do it from the route that explains to me, the printing service stops completely and I can not make it work again. I have to restart the computer.

              The problem is that it is a trade, in which we print both our documents and the clients that come to print and it is a pain to block both computers.

              Greetings and thank you

            2. Thanks for providing the detailed information.
              The finding is, the print job stuck randomly in the printer spooler. We advise you two steps, please follow them and let us know again after that.
              Step 1: Clear the static charge (Power Drain) from the printer.
              1) Turn off the printer and then unplug all the cables included power cable from the back of the printer.
              2) Press + Hold the power button of the printer for 30 seconds.
              3) Plug all the cables back and turn it on.
              Step 2: Steps 2: Uninstall the printer driver and then re-install the latest printer driver. Download the driver only from the printer’s official website.


            3. Hello

              Turning it off does not work, even doing that when the print queue is stuck.

              I just uninstalled it and I told it to update the driver, the last one on the page, this I have done more times and it has not worked. Even so I’ve done it again, see how it is.

              The technicians of the photocopier have been looking at it and do not know what it is. That reinstalls Windows, they say.

              So I do not know if it will be from some controller or I do not know, that it is corrupt and that’s why I have this problem.

              Let’s see if you can think of any way, at least go check things to see if we find the solution.

              Greetings and thank you

            4. Thanks for your reply.
              The power drain and driver re-installation steps did not work for you. Anyway, now we have to do more research on this topic to find the solution. We request you to please keep in touch and give some time for the research. We’ll keep you updated as well.

            5. Please answer following questions.
              1) Please provide the printer model number.
              2) How your computer is connected with your printer? through USB or WIFI?
              3) Tell me how many computers are connected with this printer?
              4) If connected more then one computer, do you face the same spooler stuck issue on other computers?

            6. Hello

              First of all, thank you very much for your dedication to my problem. Let’s see if finally we finish understanding with the translator and we can solve my problem.

              The photocopier is a Ricoh Aficio MP C2051 and we have connected 2 computers via network cable to the router.

              In one of the two computers is where I have more problems (computer 1), the other generally (which is where I print with the USB memories of customers) I have no problem (computer 2).
              Except when on computer 1, I have this problem that gets stuck in the print queue, then I blocked the computer 2 as well. I have to go to the first one to get into the options and give it to cancel all the jobs and after a while it is eliminated. And most of the time I print the file I’m canceling.

              In fact right now, I have a file in the print queue on computer 2 that does not get taken away from me. It puts “eliminating – in queue”. Lately, since I’m taking up this issue of the photocopier and I’m talking to you, I have a problem printing from the browser (Chrome), I send it to the mail I open it in the browser and from there I open the dialog box of the printer to print it. Before I did not have it … I do not know if it will have something to do, when installing the tool. But I did it on computer 1 not on this one on 2.
              At least it lets me print and it does not collapse everything …

              A greeting and thank you very much again

            7. Thank for your reply and the detailed information that you provided. It will help us to diagnose the issue.
              I understood, when you print from pc1 it stuck in the print queue, and after that, pc2 also don’t print (PC2 prints also held in print queue). Could you please tell me, what happens when if you don’t use pc1 for printing and only use pc2? If you did not do yet, so please do this and let us know the result.

            8. Hello

              That is, not always, always but that’s the way it is. Sometimes it is the first document, sometimes when printing the second or third of a row.

              On PC 2, I have no problem if PC1 does not collapse everything. Meanwhile the PC2 works perfectly.

              Greetings and thank you

            9. Thanks for your reply.
              Now we have all the information about your issue. Please give us some time for the research on this. We’ll reply you again very soon.

    279. I m trying to install canon LBP 2900B driver but not installing and 0x000006be printer error showing.
      please help me to install driver.

      1. Hi, we’ll help you to fix this issue. There are two methods to fix this issue. Please follow the following steps.
        Method 1: Uninstall and reinstall the printer from Windows Registry.
        Uninstall all the printer drivers from the computer and then also remove them in the registry as well. Click here to get a guide on how you can remove the printer driver entries from the registry. After that install the same model number driver from Canon 2900B official website. If the issue persists after that then follow method 2.
        Method 2: Find a faulty .dll file name & path.
        The corrupted .dll file might be the root cause of the issue. Find the faulty .dll file name & path and let us know its name and path. Follow the steps 13 from the article to know how to do.

      1. Hi, If our tool ran without error, it means your print spooler service restored successfully. But there might be the other root cause of this problem. After repaired, the print spooler service stars, but it stopped again within a few seconds of the start. Might be an application or its “.dll” file is making conflicting with the print spooler service and make it stopped. To fix this particular issue, we have made a knowledge base on how to fix print spooler service stopped automatically issue. Please try it once and let us know again if doesn’t fix. Thanks

    280. thanks. installed repair tool and print spooler now fine. however if i re-boot machine, fix is lost and system reverts to previous (faulty) state !
      any ideas {other than not to re-boot ever again 🙂 ]
      thanks again

    281. It does not work after running the repair tool. Service stop when add printer.

      WIN 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1

      1. Sorry to hear that our tool didn’t work for you. Please explain your problem with us in detail. We’ll do our best fix it.

      1. We’ll help you fix this issue if you could please explain your problem in more brief what exactly happens so that we can diagnose the problem.

      1. Our tool should worked. Anyway, we’ll help you if you could please provide the complete detail about your print spooler problem.

    282. how to repair printer spooler stop again and again, when im start printer spooler and after 45 second and then printer spooler stop again

      1. If your printer spooler service keeps stopping within few seconds, it is a straight sign that one of the other software or its “.dll” file is making conflicting with the print spooler service and making it stopped. We have a proper solution to fix this conflicting issue. Although, we have made an article which will help you to fix printer spooler service keeps stopping problem.

      1. You’re most welcome!! Thank you for using our tool. Happy to know that our tool has worked for you.

      1. Our tool supports the Windows 10 operating system but sorry for the inconvenience that it did not work in your case. Could you please explain everything about print spooler issue so that we can help you.

    283. again and again showing the error
      1. print server not conncet
      2.given the print document pending in (see what print option)
      3.BUT the printer not connect with cpu(connected wih the machine its an CASECADE MACHINE TYPE CPU ) before print come on the same system now not proper working
      4.print document pending showing
      5.again and again printer spooler run manually
      6.what is the permanent solution

    284. After running the Print Spooler Repair Tool I’m still getting the “Failed platform function SetWindowExt Ex” on my Toshiba Satellite P755. What do I do now?

      1. Sure, we’ll help you to fix this issue. Could you please provide the complete error message that you are getting? And please tell me when exactly you are getting this error message? It would be helpful if you could provide the screenshot of this error message.

      1. If this did not work for you, it seems like there is something different problem in your print spooler. Could you please your main printing problem with us so that we can help you exactly?

    285. Timotius Hidayat

      It works, but after sometime it can’t work anymore. So I run the program again, and it works

      1. If our tool fixes the print spooler problem at least once, it means our tool works fine, and your print spooler service also works perfectly fine. The point is why the printer spooler service crashes automatically after some time. The common reason behind that, one of the driver’s .dll file or app’s .dll file is making conflicting with print spooler service and crashing it. We have made an article on this particular issue. Please follow the following article’s steps to fix it. How to fix printer spooler service stopped automatically.

    286. It’s not working for me. I’m trying to print a 57 page document. It prints the first 8 pages without problem, then says”data Remaining” on the printer and it doesn’t print anything else. I can’t delete it from the printing queue either.

      1. This could be a problem in your printer itself. We have to diagnose it first, we suggest you please power drain your printer and then try to print again.
        1. Turn off your printer and computer both for 30 seconds.
        2. Do the power drain to your printer.
        3. Turn on the printer and the computer. Do the print command for testing.
        Please let us know again if it doesn’t fix.

      1. Please explain your printing problem with in detail, so that we can give a solution.

    287. Balakrishna Padarthi

      Great tool, simple and user friendly, Thanks for the team for fixing the issue.
      keep it up.

      1. You’re most welcome!! Thanks for using our tool and for your kind appreciation.

    288. Grat! Your tool resolved the issue related to the Spooler Service and the Dipendencies. Thanks a lot.

      1. You’re most welcome!! Thanks for using our tool and for your kind appreciation.

      1. Happy to know that our tool has fixed your issue.
        Thanks for using our tool and for your kind appreciation!!

    289. I followed your steps, then tried to print but was still receiving notices saying that the printer wasn’t working. I have no idea what to do now.

      1. If our print spool tool didn’t work for you, then it may be a problem in your printer driver. we suggest you to please re-install your printer’s driver. Let us know the result.

    290. The fix dit not work for my system, Windows 10 Pro 1809. Stll high CPU and high WMI Provider Host. If I stop the app for spooler subsystem, the high WMI service goes back to 0%.

    291. Dear Sir, Thanks for your fast response to my problem. I could solve the problem by ending two processes of a not attached Dymo Label Printer. As soon I ended the two processes of the label printer, the app for spooler subsystem and WMI provider host went down to almost 0%.
      Thanks again for your help, Regards,

    292. Worked right away, hopefully it will continue to solve my printer issues. Thanks you!

    293. Sorry, it does not appear to repair the spooler.
      Win 7 – 32 bit. Still unable to install new printers

      1. Please explain your printer problem with more detail while installing the printer on your computer. Please share the error message’s screenshot if get any while installing.

    294. Windows 10 (64) with latest updates installed. Spooler fix says it finished successfully but still cannot get a dialogue box to open after clicking on PRINT from any windows app (Word, Excel, etc). I do not get an error, just never opens the box.
      There are no leftover SPL files in the PRINTERS folder.

      1. Thanks for letting us know about this issue.
        It seems like the problem in the printer or in its driver, in my first look. But before reinstalling the driver we want to make sure that your print spooler is working fine. Please go to the services page and then try to stop and then start the print spooler service and then let us know does it working fine or now.

        Please keep me updated.

    295. Ran the tool without much success, went to the print spooler in local services and tried to restart manually but it kept on saying Microsoft management console has encountered a problem and has stopped working. This only happens with the print spooler. My system is a windows 8 pro 32 bit. What do I do please?

      1. Thanks for contacting us,
        You’ll have to follow the steps to diagnose and fix this issue.
        We are giving you an article. You’ll have to follow the article’s step 1 to 4. Click here get the article.
        After that, reboot your computer once and then try to start the print spooler service manually from the services page. If you are still getting the same error message then reply back.


    296. Hi
      I am facing some issue with the Terminal Server. I am sharing you the event log with your references. Please let me know is it possible to solve the issue with your tools?

      Faulting application name: spoolsv.exe, version: 6.1.7601.24000, time stamp: 0x5a499712
      Faulting module name: HpTcpMon.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4ab0e4d3
      Exception code: 0xc0000005
      Fault offset: 0x000000000000ad75
      Faulting process id: 0xed0
      Faulting application start time: 0x01d548fc6777fcec
      Faulting application path: C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe
      Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\HpTcpMon.dll
      Report Id: edca6709-b4ef-11e9-a733-02215ef0154c

      Event ID: 1000

      Soumen Garain

      1. No, our tool won’t work in this issue but you can try it once to fix the spooler’s basic issues.
        To fix this HpTcpMon.dll issue, we recommend you to follow the following steps.
        Step 1: Right-click on the HP printer and then click on troubleshoot. And then check whether the issue is fixed on not.
        Step 2: Rename the “HpTcpMon.dll” file to “old_HpTcpMon.dll” in safemode. And then check whether the issue is fixed on not.
        Step 3: Follow a Microsoft article that will help you fix this issue.

    297. Everything worked well. Alex the tech was patient and did a good job. Thanks for your service!

      1. It seems like a tech support company’s technician (Alex) use our tool on your computer to fix the print spooler issue. Ensure that, however they do not sell our tool to you because our tool is a completely free of charge utility. Anyway, it is our pleasure that our tool worked on your computer.
        Please provide me more detail if you found anyone sells our tool to you illegally so that we can take an appropriate action on them.

    298. Hi, I am using Print Spooler with Windows XP (host by Oracle VM VirtualBox) and HP Printer. It works the first time but not the second time. Each time I had to reinstall the Print Spooler. It use to work. Maybe I have to install Print Spooler after I have install HP software. HP printers are the most difficult to install and use. Thanks

      1. Sometimes, the printer driver makes conflicting with the print spooler service. So we suggest you to please uninstall the printer driver first and then reinstall it again after reboot the computer. Then you may run the print spooler tool once.

    299. After many tries , I am failed to reinstall epson L220 .
      All cabels are in good condition and working properly with another printers.

      1. Follow the following steps:

        1. Power Drain your printer.
        2. Uninstall Epson L220 printer driver.
        3. Keep the printer unplugged from the computer and from the power socket until Epson L220 driver installer will ask to connect the printer.
        4. Reboot computer.
        5. Download the Epson L220 driver and install it on your computer.
        6. Connect the printer to the another USB port than previous, and turn it on the printer when the installer will ask you to connect printer.

        Let’s know if it doesn’t work.

    300. Hi Sir.I am not able to print Adobe Photoshop When I give Print Order it won’t work and the print option disappeares from file menu. If I save the file in desktop and by right clicking only I can give print order…Previously I was printing in Adobe Photoshop software. Is there any problem in my Windows 7 ultimate operating system software..

      1. No, It seems like no problem in operating system itself. It might be the problem in your Photoshop software. If the print option is not appeared in photoshop menu, then try to press control + P key from your keyboard if the print preview appears. If this trick doesn’t work then you’ll have to repair or reinstall Adobe photoshop from the control panel.

    301. This did not fix my issues on a Window 10 computer. My issue started the day after I installed a Cannon printer at one of our field offices. The driver was from the Canon site. As soon as I do anything the touches the print spooler service, it turns off. This includes attempting to stop the service.

    302. Ok, seems like Event View is still king (step 13 on your link). did something (tried to remove a printer) that crashes the spooler, and checked the event viewer. Saw the offending DLL and killed it. Now working. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    303. it says finished but I still get the error.

      windows could not start the print spooler service on local computer Error 0x8007076b the endpoint mapper database entry could not be created.

      1. In this case, we suggest you to please follow the following steps and let us know the result.
        Follow the methods one by one.

        1. Start the Windows Firewall Service. Check the issue is resolved or not.
        2. Clean boot your computer (Disable 3rd party application which start on Windows startup). Check the issue is fixed or not.
        3. Disable your Antivirus and check the issue is resolved or not.
        4. Run Trojan Removal Tool.

        Let us know after that.

    304. I was trying to solve print spooler issue from many days..and every possible method.. but by using this software, my issue resolved in seconds. Thankyou so much Techsupportall Team

      1. In Lexmark, some model numbers are using their own spooler service instead of default Microsoft one. This may be the reason that our tools did not work on that. The Lexmark spooler service starts from LEX***. So you can simply re-start it from the services page.
        In this case, we suggest you to please reinstall the printer driver from scratch so that the Lexmark spooler service can be reinstalled along with that.

    305. I ran the print spooler fix, on the windows 10 but it did not fix the problem. I still get the print failure message: windows print spooler service has been stopped. Restart. My printer is a canon ij ts8200 series and it was working perfectly before.

      1. In this case, it seems like one of the “.dll” file is making conflicting with print spooler service. Solution: Find out the file or app that is making conflicting with the print spooler and then take an appropriate action on that file to fix the issue. Most of the time, the printer driver’s .dll file is seen the main reason behind this conflicting. We have made an article on this particular issue. Click here to know how to fix print spooler stopped automatically.

      2. In this case, it seems like one of the “.dll” file is making conflicting with print spooler service. Solution: Find out the file or app that is making conflicting with the print spooler and then take an appropriate action on that file to fix the issue. Most of the time, the printer driver’s .dll file is seen as the main reason behind this conflicting. We suggest you to please remove the printer driver from your computer manually, then reinstall it again with the latest one. We have made an article on this particular issue. Click here to know how to fix print spooler stopped automatically.

    306. hi

      it states that repair was sucessfull. but it was not. My printer spooler is not running. So it only states but in reality it does not. I have windows 10, acer r5 -571t.

      wbr, yalkunzhan

    307. I just got hacked and my laptop has been pretty much no good to me for a month. I am 72 with cognitive slowing. I have a full support contract with Geek Squad thru Best Buy. I kept telling them that the “Printer is off line, but the printer is on line – eprint”! No one caught it. So I kept looking until I found your sight. I was easy for me to understand. I was afraid, but today my mind felt up for an adventure thru the digital maze. iI downloaded the program and it is installed on my task bar. Thank you so much for your excellent advice and tools!

    308. Well this hasn’t worked for me. My printer won’;t even work with a cable. I am so frustrated! Please don’t keep emailing me.

      Please stop asking me for comments.

    309. my system has a challenge starting the print spooler. Most times if i leave it at the log-in screen, after booting approx a few minutes the print spooler will come on line, occasionally it takes starting the print spooler manually 10 to 20 times for it to start. sometimes it shows my printers as on-line but it is just lies. shows the printers are there but not really. the program doesn’t work in that instance. but thanks anyway.

    310. I downloaded your Spooler Repair. I am 72 years old and cannot make this work. When I apply the repair (from techsupportall) It only works one time. I am sure that I am doing something wrong. I still need help. And I will donate when it is useful for more than one time. Thank you.

    311. My Win7 PC (I know, but I love Windows 7) was hanging and it was the print spooler. I used this tool and voila, everything works perfectly! Simple to use, fast…and it works.

    312. tried on winserver 2016 but no good has been done still the prints get stuck in the que and r no bale to print ,

      have to endtask sub spooler service in task manager and restart in services.
      any help would be great.

    313. While the tool fixes the spooler problem, it doesn’t stick. When I reboot there are no printers installed. I have to run the tool again. How to fix this? Windows 7

    314. On Windows 10 does not work. writes a printing error. the printer sees, it writes the printer is working fine, but it prints to print, although the scanner works

      1. Sure, we’ll help you, but could you please explain the printer or print spooler problem in detail so that I can help you exactly?

      1. Don’t worry if it did not for you. Please explain your main problem here, we’ll give you the manual steps to fix the issue.

    315. Spooler stopped working after the feb 2020 msft update. Using Win10 on HP laptop. No idea what happened to the spooler but the repair tool was unable to fix it and get it working again. Heard the update was bad for HP computers.

      1. Thanks for letting us know. Could you please tell us, what happens when you start the print spooler service manually from the services page? Please share the result with us so that we can give the solution of this problem.

        1. Went to services. The spooler was on automatic and I started it. Went back to the printer to open the print queue and got the same error message. “Error Opening Printer. Windows cannot connect to the printer. The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine.” I went back to services and it said the spooler was running. I’ve also restarted the machine several times with no luck getting to print anything.

          1. I have diagnosed the issue as you have explained the problem in detail. Actually, your print spooler service keeps stopping automatically within a few seconds after starting. Your printer spooler service might be conflicting with a “.DLL” file. This “.DLL” file belongs to its printer driver itself or any other 3rd party application. You’ll have to find out it manually. Follow step-13 from the following article.

    316. printer spooler executing path is missing in window 10 printer, how to regain the executable path so as to avoid type 3 error.

    317. Doesnt work for me 🙁 Spooler is working, when i print something spooler is spooling but never complate.

      1. If the print spooler service is spooling, it means the spooler service is working fine. It seems like the problem in the printer driver. Please reinstall the driver.

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