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How to Reset Internet Explorer

Here we’ll provide you two methods how to reset internet explorer to set as default.


You can use this Microsoft Fixit  to reset the internet explorer



1. Open  Internet explorer and then go the tool (Like gear icon in IE9/IE10)>>Internet explorer option, or you can also open internet option page from CONTROL PANEL. ( See the Screentshot below)

2. You will get a internet option window, now you have to go Advanced tab. then click on Restore Advance Setting button, and then click on RESET button ( As see below screenshot)

3. Now you will get a new popup for confirmation to get it done reset process (As see below screenshot), Click on Delete personal setting then click on RESET button

how to reset Internet Explorer
how to reset Internet Explorer

4. Now you will see a popup to complete all the setting makes as default (As see below screenshot), after completion you have to click on close button.

how to reset Internet Explorer
how to reset Internet Explorer

5. After clicked on Close button all the popup’s will disappear, that means all the reset approach has been completed, now you will see a another popup for restart your browser to take effect (As see the screenshot), so please close your internet explorer and open it again, it will be working so fast.


how to reset Internet Explorer
how to reset Internet Explorer

Reset process has been completed, That’s ALL !!!



5 thoughts on “How to Reset Internet Explorer”

  1. I do not get the “Reset Internet Explorer Settings” dialog, when I follow these instructions. However, every few seconds, I do get the [object Error] message, even when IE 10 is closed. This happened after I upgraded to IE 10 (from IE9) on my Windows 7 (64-bit) machine. Thanks, Microsoft.

  2. Thank you very much, Good job !!! I spend more than 4 hours to fix it by myself, but I couldn’t till I applied your instruction. wish you best

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