Download:- eScan Removal Tool
Do you want to uninstall escan antivirus?
You should remove it by their proper escan removal tool.
If you try to uninstall it by add/remove program, it doesn’t remove it completely, because some of security registries entries might be still remains, which can be create problems.
If you don’t use removal tool you might be facing the problem like: Computer freezing, Unable to connect internet, computer speed slow and also might be getting installation error.
Download the removal tool and uninstall it completely.
Note: The eScan Removal Tool helps you uninstall escan antivirus automatically. If you prompted for a password to uninstall, you need to use the same password that you had set for escan antivirus.
If you forget the password then you should have to contact escan customer support guys to reset the password first. To do it, send an email with your license key to (, they will send you an password or password reset method.
E-scan anti virus removal tool requires a password for the download. Where and how an I get it.
No, It doesn’t require any password I just checked it. We suggest you to please try again let us know if you still face any issue.
@Techexpert: After downloading the unistaller from the support. It ask me for password before I can finally uninstall
That means, you have set password for your escan antivirus earlier. Now you have to remember the password to uninstall it. Anyway, now there is two methods to remove it: First is, use REVO uninstaller to uninstall escan. Second is: touch with escan customer support ( with your license key, they will send you a password reset method to do it.
Can’t able to download the tool….
check your server.
Yes, we have checked, it is working perfectly fine. Please try again. Let us know again if doesn’t work.
how to uninstall escan
without password uninstalled
How do I unistall escan antivirus on my system without password
No, There is no method to do that without password if you had set the password for escan earlier.
I can’t download escan removal what I can do