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  • #12025

    I am getting frequent disappearance of Norton Security latest version on Windows 7 PC. Even I tried to remove and reinstall of the Norton Security but on next restart it get disabled again. I have tried many different methods but unable to find a solution. Even I have scanned computer with Malwarebytes, HitmanPro, Emsisoft, Trojan Remover tool. But they found nothing on my system. What will I do now? Please help.


    Its really very annoying and we researched on it to find a possible reason, but without facing the actual problem it is not easy to solve that. But as we researched we can give you some suggestions to fix this issue.

    As all scanning tools showing your system clean, So the only possible reason is that there could be some configuration in your system. To fix this please follow these steps.

    1. Use the CCleaner to clean all your system from junks or you can also use the Malwarebytes Junkware Removal Tool. Both are free tools.
    2. The possibility is higher that your OS is not updated. So if it is not then please Run Windows Update. (Some times it happened that newer release of the software get incompatible with older or non updated windows).
    3. Then try to Reinstall Norton Again.

    Hopefully it will solve your issue.

    Please let us know your outcome here by following the above steps that we can help you further and if your issue get resolved tell us about that here to help other peoples.


    Please make sure norton is active on your startup items. In case you don’t know about it heres the trick:- open run from start type>MsConfig->goto-> startup-> and check if norton is selected there. Second option is to create a new user name and reinstall the program.

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