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Best Multi-Engine Antivirus Scanners

These antivirus scanners are useful to scan a full computer with multiple antiviruses.

 NameScanning engines includePrice
1Herd Protect60+Free
2Opswat metadefender client40+Free
3SecureAPlus10+12 month free  trial.
$149 per year after the first year.
Quick comparison of best multi antivirus engine scanners

Best Multi AV Scanners

Every antivirus software is different and have their own methodology to detect and protect computers. So sometimes we require to scan our computer with multiple antivirus to make sure that every antivirus is giving a clean signal. But another problem is that we can not install more than one antivirus in the computer. Because it will slow down the system badly. So to scan the computer with multiple antivirus we can use the cloud scanners having multiple av engines integrated together. It maximize the security and it is also useful to use these software as a second opinion scanners.

1. Herd Protect

Herd protect have the highest number of antivirus or malware scanners. It scan with approx 68 engines and can detect malware, spyware, adware. Herd protect also provide a real time protection option. It scans the all active files in the computer. Active files means all files being used by the operating system or currently opened applications. It uploads the critical area files of the operating system to the cloud for scanning with the multiple antiviruses. Herd protect is a completely free project and is only accept donation.

Update: Download is not available from its official website at this moment. Re-release of herdprotect is under way.

Download herd protect

2. Opswat metadefender client

Opswat metadefender multi av scanner

Download Opswat MetaDefender

Opswat metadefender uses 42 engines to scan files in the cloud. It is also available for free. It analysis all the running modules and files by doing a deep analysis. It can also scan dll files used by the running program. Another feature is that it can detect a computer network with or having a connection with a Bad IP address.

3. SecureAPlus

SecueAplus multi av scanner

Download SecureAPlus

SecureAPlus has integrated 12 antivirus engines in a single application. So if you thinks that 68 or 42 engines are higher in numbers and you require to scan with less engines then SecureAPlus is a good option. Scanning with less engines will take less time.

It has a freemium plan, means you will be charged nothing for the first year. So it is free for the first 12 months. After that, you need to buy a premium subscription plan. In paid plans, there are some extra add on features multi PC security, Location tracking, priority support, password protected settings, etc.

In the end

There are many antiviruses which are built on the Bitdefender antivirus engine. So we do not require to list them here. But there are few more malware scanners which uses more than their own engine + Bitdefender engine and worth to try as multi-engine scanner or second opinion scanner. Actually, these are more than just the scanners. These can also be used as antimalware with real-time protection.


Q: How these scanners work?

A: These scanners are based on cloud technology. They scan the computer for suspected file and then upload to scan that file with multiple antivirus in the cloud. Still they have own methodology to scan  and upload in the cloud.

Q: How can I scan the computer with multiple antivirus software at once?

A: Yes, It is possible by using a multi AV scanners. These are cloud based scanning engines which let you scan with multiple antiviruses. There are many software providing a cloud based scanning system to scan the computer. Refer the above article to know more. You can also refer to the best online antiviruses.

Q: We are unable to download the herd protect from official website, so is there any other source from where it is available for download?

A: You may find its older version from many download websites. But we don’t recommend you to use it as its older version intends to show many false positives. If its older version is not available on its official website, then it means it not useful and you should not use it by downloading it from other sources. So meanwhile they released the latest version skip this and try for other available options.

Please post your comments if you know any other good multi AV engines. Also share your experience if you have ever used these software.

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